We deserve better

EDITOR, The Tribune

THE Progressive Liberal Party ran a very successful campaign in 2012 highlighting the extent of the debt, deficits, corruption and murders and told us ad nauseum they would fix them. Yet somehow they are all worse today.

On the fiscal side they have shown a complete and utter disregard for controlling spending in spite of adding VAT and extracting an unexpected windfall of over $1 billion in revenue.

Yet I hear PLPs suggesting these things are now acceptable. Great fiscal management they say.

There is no honour in defending the deficits, debt, murders and corruption by pointing fingers at the other guys. Continuing, or in this case, worsening the cycle, makes it more difficult for Bahamians today as well as future generations.

It is confusing how party supporters do not see the mote in their own eyes.

Until we all mature enough politically to recognise that bad policy is bad policy, no matter the party in power, there is little hope of change.

No matter the party in government, they should be held to the same standards they pass laws to hold taxpayers to.

Our Bahamaland deserves better than what we have today.



May 9, 2017


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