New faces

EDITOR, The Tribune

IT IS heralded as “The people’s time”. We, the people, were frustrated and felt helpless to the ills that abound. We needed to be rid of the leeches that were draining our blood; fattening only themselves and their own.

The results are in. We breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate the victory. Let’s do that, but also ready ourselves for what is to come.

Of the newly-elected Parliament, more than half are new faces. Presumably that means new ideas and less baggage. But they should also be bringing with them the talents and ideas of their network; those persons who were disenchanted but are now reinvigorated.

Here is a real opportunity to galvanise that optimism and draw upon the knowledge, expertise and renewed energy within our populace.

Ordinary people like me now have a part to play. It is not enough to have marked an ‘X’ and figure we can lay dormant for five years. That ‘X’ was an indication that we wanted a change. Now is the time that we must be prepared to make our individual contributions and work toward that change.

Let’s hope that we all live up to our duty as dwellers in this land and not abdicate that responsibility to be a contributor to our community. When called, answer.

We voted for it to be “The people’s time”. I trust our actions will speak even louder than these words.


May 11, 2017


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