Where is the plan?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT’S NOT about gold and purple or red and white, it’s about the Bahamas, our collective vision for the future, and what kind of world will our children, my daughter, inherit.

If not we shall remain victim to:

• This ever revolving door of five-year political cycles, and small minded politicians who can only see through lenses divided by this time construct and/or period.

• What standard of living, type of existence, or world do we want our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live in?

• The power to make the change is in our hands; it is for each of us to do our individual parts to fulfil our purpose(s), and to give the world the gift of our talents which were placed on our heart’s by God.

• Ten years from now is too late, the time is now.

• If each of us do our individual parts, the politicians will eventually “catch sight of the vision afterwards”. But this is OK, we have to start the work, let it begin with us, let it begin in my family and with me.

• Let each of us put our “shoulder to the wheel and push” for a better community, better Bahamas and a better world.

• If not then we shall be like other countries who are also experiencing the same fate as us, and reaping the rewards of their four-year cycles, the polarisation of communities, states, families, and the nation as a whole, all because they refuse to submit or simply do not have one collective vision that will be there after politicians have each made their contributions and passed the baton on to the next leader of the day. Let us be different.

• Let us be the change that we desire to see in the world.

• If we do set a long-term goal, paradigm and/or vision for our country, then we too can experience human growth such as other nations around the world - Singapore, South Korea, China and many others - with our plans for sustainable development for the Bahamas.

• It is up to you, the choice is yours.




May 11, 2017


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