Armed teenager

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The headline "Police kill boy as he steals cigarettes" … surely the second headline "Officers return fire in shootout" says exactly what occurred, so why did The Tribune run with the big headline, which was miles away from the truth?

As usual selling newspapers!

The boys entered the pharmacy armed with guns, illegal, threatened the store employees, robbed customers in the store and left with cigarettes, money etc …exiting they met the police and fired at the police.

So The Tribune thinks the police did wrong to aim and fire in self defence? I presume the headline would have been, if the police did not fire and one was shot and killed, "Police get in way of fire from teenage students and dies!"

When a teenager arms himself and fires at the police, in my eyes he becomes an adult big time. So please Tribune editorial, stop this unacceptable descriptive headline when it is a mile away from truth.

Thank God there were no further persons injured or killed. Teenagers firing at law enforcement ... in any language that teenager suddenly became an adult and he is playing an adult game of life and death. Yesterday that teenager lost out.

Write the correct accurate headline please. This is serious stuff.



May 24, 2017


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