Where our own Christian values have gone

EDITOR, The Tribune.

AS our Prime Minister sheds tears in Parliament over the distress of the people of Dominica, and fellow MP Fred McAlpine, warns that charity begins at home (and presumably stays at home), and talk show hosts rail against the inhumanity of a few uncaring Bahamians, who would leave the people of Dominica to stew in their own juice, The Punch today carries a story that tells of where perhaps our own Christian values have gone.

“Popular Preacher” Neil Ellis (Punch adjectives) is lavished by his eight thousand parishioners, to a thirty-two thousand dollar cash gift, to go along with their equally generous gift to him and “Queen Patrice” (his wife) of a luxury cruise to the Mediterranean cities of Europe. So that he would be properly dressed for the luxury cruise, his devoted parishioners threw in five custom made suits, so that he would not look shabby.

Presumably, hopefully, the Christian Council will roundly condemn such open and inopportune vulgarity and perhaps the Gideons will make a gift of eight-thousand and two Bibles to this particular institution.



September 28, 2017.


birdiestrachan 6 years, 11 months ago

All of a sudden all of this talk about who is Christian and who is not. Folks need to mind their own business. some of us are Jews and some are Muslims. are we less than the save and sanctified only when it is convenient. What about the poor children in Bains town do the Christians care about them and when social service was stopped for two months where were the Christians.. ?

birdiestrachan 6 years, 11 months ago

Rev Ellis business is his business. Nothing to do with any one who is not fitting his bills. Get over it. see what doc and small things, will donate now that is Bruce business see to it.

Sickened 6 years, 11 months ago

Can you say that again in English?

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