Advisors left the PM out to dry

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Remember the “Bend or break” speech? Remember the “I will prosecute their backsides to jail”? Sir Lynden Pindling and Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield....comments never forgotten.

For PM Minnis the moment where his advisors left him out to dry over the simple visit to the bereaving family of the young boy shot accidentally was also one of those moments.

The PM came out looking as if he cared more for the suffering residents of Dominica than the grieving Nassau family.

Politicians have to be aware of the savage/cruel social media in The Bahamas.

SPY AGENCY? What a lot of fuss over nothing - the Police always had an Intelligence branch - possibly the sale issue was that the PLP named the Agency without support of Law but then why all the fuss?

The National Intelligence Agency must be under the command of the Commissioner of Police there is no other alternative. Minnis & Co don’t be tempted to do a PLP on this and create a massive ‘RED’ employment Agency.

The Police have done this work well for years.

It is not the cadre of Officers dealing with intelligence it is the support personnel, HR, Secretariat etc, suddenly you have a 300 strong Agency!

BEACH CLEANING - wow ZNS shows negative news video of the sea grass on two popular beaches.....come off it Minister of Environment Junkanoo Beach so popular for cruise visitors was so dirty with sea grass - go to Goodman’s no different - are we really serious about Tourism or is it all talk?

These beaches should be spotless.

BP&L ..... wow privatising seemingly.

How on earth were the Board able to write a detailed RFP document and only last week PowerSource were shown the door?

Was the PLP planning their exit? Why isn’t the supply of fuel included? Surely there is not some link to the shareholders in FOCOL?

Caring I Believers are commanded to look after your neighbour like yourself - giving assistance to the affected islands is correct the problem is and was how the message was delivered and even after an explanation how many hurricane evacuees will there be?

There is the fear there will be no strict time limit and like those Haitians detained during an earlier hurricane, released by Mr Ingraham and told to return in 21-days are all still free.

Minister Bannister - please investigate the sale of BTC to Cable & Wireless.....if not explain…. a lot of very strange things went down like how on earth did Cable & Wireless end up the buyer without bidding in the RFP?



September 29, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago

The writer has clearly not read the Spy Bill and therefore knows nothing about the very dangerous powers it would put in the hands of our government.....powers that have never before existed in the history of our country and that can all too easily be abused. The Constitutional issues involved are of great consequence for every Bahamian and resident of the Bahamas.

As for the PM's advisors leaving him out to dry, I believe it was Minnis who left himself out to dry with his propensity for shoot-from-the-hips' announcements of matters he has failed to carefully consider and properly think through beforehand with the help of advisors. Then again his persona and insecurity may be such that he has surrounded himself with "yes" men and women who simply go along with whatever he says, no matter what the consequences!

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