Let the powers that be start at home

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Despite our sometimes selfish ways, the average Bahamian has a big heart and is always ready to be our ‘brother’s keepers” so to speak. We have demonstrated this time and time again. In fact, The Bahamas, has long been a haven and a place of refuge for many of our foreign brothers and sisters. It is to be remembered that when Haiti was devastated by a major earthquake in 2010, The Bahamas and our people were among the first to offer them assistance and humanitarian supplies. There are numerous other nations in the region to whose aid we have rushed when necessary.

With this stark realization. clear and visible to all, I was taken aback and highly insulted by remarks attributed to assorted politicians and some of their erstwhile supporters in the “fake” media and on social platforms. Senior cabinet ministers, never known to publicly empathize with the unwashed masses, were to be seen wringing their corny hands and crying in parliament. One MP was seen hitting her desk repeatedly and mouthing ‘Oh Lord’ ! While all of this may be good for some of you, it was a spectacle of no mean order to see the Minister of Foreign Affairs, et al, talking about Christianity!

The FNM administration meant well, I am sure, with the proposed relief efforts to assist Dominica and her hard hit people. We feel their collective pain but for ministers in the government to appear to be personally attacking Bahamians whose views of these efforts differ from theirs is beyond the pale. Dr. Duane Sands (FNM-Elizabeth), Minister of Health, claims that he was surprised by remarks against the efforts on social media platforms. Jeffrey Lloyd (FNM-South Beach), Minister of Education, outdid himself when he spoke down to Bahamians who dared to question the half baked relief efforts. He ranted about who he is a Christian who walks the walk and not just talk the talk!

Our politicians are so full of it, especially, arrogance, that it is no longer funny. Were they suggesting that Bahamians do not have the right to ask our so-called leaders the hard questions? Were they suggesting that those who were not on the same hymn sheet as they, that we are less than infidels? There are tens of thousands of Bahamian-Haitian children who have been prevented from enrolling in our public school system due to inordinate requests for proper documentation. I have yet to hear Lloyd on this topic in a sensible manner.

Bahamian children are actually living within the confines of the PMH. Tens of thousands of real Bahamians are still waiting for hurricane relief since 2014. Tens of thousands more are on the list awaiting the availability of governmental sponsored housing. The Minister of Housing and the Environment is akin to a man lost in space. Not a single house has been completed or built under his watch, so far.

Charity begins at home, some say, and ends abroad. Well, let the powers that be start at home. The arrogance of power often goes to one’s head dead quick once elected and appointed. It is what it is. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



October 6, 2017.


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