Campbell: I’ll see you in court

Transport and Local Government Minister Frankie Campbell shows his Bahamian and Diplomatic passports in the House of Assembly.

Transport and Local Government Minister Frankie Campbell shows his Bahamian and Diplomatic passports in the House of Assembly.


Tribune Staff Reporter


TRANSPORT and Local Government Minister Frankie Campbell said he will not get into a “back and forth” with those who doubt his Bahamian citizenship, telling The Tribune he will see them in court instead.

His statement yesterday came as Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis also stood up for him, telling reporters Mr Campbell “is a Bahamian – full stop”.

As for Wayne Munroe’s threat to challenge Mr Campbell’s citizenship in court, Attorney General Carl Bethel was incredulous that the lawyer would do so yesterday, saying “scores of thousands” of Bahamians have no better proof of their birth than the purported affidavit Mr Campbell is believed to have at least partially relied upon to secure his citizenship.

“I’m not going to get caught up with any back and forth, one response tomorrow, another response the next day and another set of questions,” Mr Campbell said yesterday when contacted by this newspaper. “I said what I had to say in the House of Assembly. Obviously, that wasn’t enough. Those people who have questions have given indication that they will go to court. If that’s the case, I am going to see them in court.”

Meanwhile Dr Minnis said there is “no argument” and “no discussion” about Mr Campbell’s citizenship as he addressed the matter to reporters at an event at Gambier Primary School yesterday.  

“They can go to court or do whatever they want,” Dr Minnis said. “That is what the courts are there for.”

On social media, an affidavit allegedly belonging to Mr Campbell has been circulating in recent weeks. It is not clear if it’s the same one Mr Munroe has seen.

Dr Minnis dismissed it yesterday, suggesting the document circulating online may have been doctored.

“The beauty of social media is I can take a picture of you today, and I can change everything,” he said. “I can change your entire structure and send that viral throughout and people will believe it. There are many fictitious things that are transmuted via social media and I’ve said before that you must be careful with social media, it has great benefits and it has disadvantages, and people will send out false information that can go viral on social media and therefore we must analyse very carefully.”

For his part, Mr Bethel said the entire matter is a “contrived controversy.” 

“Many, many thousands have their birth proved by affidavit and not by birth certificate,” he said.

Mr Munroe has taken a dim view of the purported affidavit he has seen, in part because it wasn’t sworn to by Mr Campbell’s father, who had died by the time the affidavit was produced. Instead, Mr Campbell’s mother, a Haitian national, and a “friend” signed the affidavit. Mr Munroe suggested that this shouldn’t be enough to establish anyone’s entitlement to citizenship.

“It doesn’t make any difference about the life or death of the father if there are two people willing to swear on it,” Mr Bethel countered. 

“What court threat?” he asked in response to Mr Munroe’s consideration of going to court. “I think it’s highly improbable that there will be a court case. Politics is sometimes only about saying things to try and cause damage to a politician. That’s really what is happening here. The affidavit, which I don’t know if it’s correct, but assuming it is, there’s nothing untoward about it. If two people were prepared to swear to that in 1983 or 1984, that’s sufficient. “Scores of thousands of Bahamians have no better proof than that of their birth. That’s the reality.”

This controversy started when Mr Campbell, in a short clip of an interview he gave on the Darold Miller Live show earlier this year, said he has two passports. He later clarified that he meant a Bahamian passport and a diplomatic passport.


John 6 years, 11 months ago

Barack Obama spent eight years of his presidency dealing with the issue of citizenship. Then after his first term he decided to let their detractors have their say. But no one could disprove he was a citizen. Remember Donald Trump was one you led these protests. Major distraction is all they are.

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 11 months ago

This is the stupidest comspiracy yet. The man is Bahamian. End of story.

licks2 6 years, 11 months ago


TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago

Comrades I'll see you in court on any day - excepting on a Sunday.... That's my other cabinet duties commitment day to tag along as the official language interrupter for the PM, on-board his church hoping bus with the torch logo visible on the hood. See, there's some things even a man's as capable as "ACE" - does lacks such extra talents to handle for the PM.

BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 11 months ago

Frankie Campbell is not humble with this situation at all. He's called this on himself and now acting as if he does not have to answer the concern - legitimate Bahamians are raising.

Lets hope he's not another Sinclair Outten.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 11 months ago

Hmmm someone else asked me that, if I thought he was being arrogant, I not sure...I thought his response was reasonable. "If I say X they'll bring something else and back and forth etc etc". I did think the appearance in the church as a translator was the dumbest thing I've ever seen, it was totally unnecessary and it was bound to reopen the controversy.

jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago

Yeah. Kinda makes you wonder if he's in the cabinet as some favour to the Haitians in exchange for votes. I smell a rat with this.

jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago

Another Sinclair Outten? Boy that will be some sh*t aye?

licks2 6 years, 11 months ago

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. . ."SHED DAP". . .he is sure. . .like yiinna re too that case is dead. . .like yinna party!

yari 6 years, 11 months ago

This man is an idiot. He starts the two passport controversy by bragging and then compounds the issue by translating for the PM. Yes he is a citizen but he hasn't used his common sense - if he has any to see how this would give his enemies fuel for their ridiculous vendetta. I hope the illegals read into this that the opposition are just as anti-foreigner. Go home if you are here illegally and stop making noise...

Reality_Check 6 years, 11 months ago

Will the real ambassador from Haiti for the Bahamas please stand up and be recognized.....oh, is that you Frankie?

TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago

Comrades! If there are red shirts prepared to take the PM out his job - before his first year in the PMO's job is up..... judge what they'd do with their colleague Frankie, in the short term...And, they too are satisfied Frankie is one them...he's a son of the soil. Getting too close the PM, is not so smart, politically.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Frankie must provide DNA proof to satisfy True True Bahamians that he is a real Campbell ....... and then that will put to rest some of the criticism ....... Campbells are Cat Island people and I am sure that nationalists like Canon Sebastian would like to know if this is not a fake Campbell.

ohdrap4 6 years, 11 months ago

Saliva carries DNA all he has to do is spit. Aim, and spit,

jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago

I don't know about anyone else but I am not comfortable with someone who is claiming to be Haitian/Bahamian with no clear proof that we know of that he obtained citizenship legitimately (I.e. as the child of an illegal who sneaked into our country and claims she had him while living here illegally) sitting in our cabinet making decisions as to who can now become a Bahamian citizen and passing policies on how our country will handle illegals going forward. I get knots in my stomach just thinking about this.

Do you think for one small minute that a cabinet Minister of Haitian decent will sit there and allow his Government to not only round up illegals but to pass policies to keep them from infiltrating our borders and further marginlise them?

You know something is up with this as the PM now appears suddenly be sympathetic to their cause. The PM has now gone to church to get chummy with the Haitians and offer them words of comfort saying they won't continue to be marginalized and will get faster turnarounds for permits and citizenship. This was followed by the Minister of Immigration, Brent Symonette, assuring them that their citizenship applications will be fast-tracked (presumably this includes the children of illegals like Mr. Cambpell).

No doubt Mr. Campbell is now exerting his influence.

We left it too long. These people are now at the highest ranks in Government and in the next five years I predict that more of them will suddenly become citizens. After all they now have a fellow countryman in the camp which is what they've always wanted.

Dr. Minnis is a fool. He does not know what he's harbouring.

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago

Politicians who are willing to fast track Haitians acquiring Bahamian citizenship are doing only one thing - selling out our country! It is utterly disgusting to see Minnis and the entire FNM hierarchy kowtowing to Haitians illegally residing in our country. Our new Minnis-led government is stooping to a dangerous new low by engaging in the very same corrupt 'vote buying' practices of the previous Christie-led government. Yes indeed, Minnis seems hell bent on introducing policies to speed up (rather than reverse) the process of Bahamians become second class citizens in their own country. The vast majority of Bahamians are going to remember this unacceptable conduct by Minnis when they next visit the polls. Simply unbelievable!!

Reality_Check 6 years, 11 months ago

Minnis is anything but an astute politician. He has yet to understand and appreciate the significance of the fact that the overwhelming majority of votes received by the FNM in the last general election were from voters who could not stomach the PLP anymore rather than from voters who are fervent supporters of Minnis and the FNM. By turning his back to the Bahamian people and kowtowing to the interests of Haitians illegally residing in our country, Minnis is committing political suicide not only for himself, but also the FNM party. There is already a fast growing large secretive block of FNM voters in the Killarney constituency, now numbering in excess of 1,300 registered voters, who say they will vote for anyone but Minnis the next time around, even if it means casting their vote for a PLP candidate. Minnis is going to learn the hard political lesson that the Bahamian people do not tolerate betrayal and its something they will never forget.

jujutreeclub 6 years, 11 months ago

He is not stooping to no new low. These are folks who went through the right channels and applied for their citizenship after reaching the age of 18 and the immigration department through the cabinet did nothing to regularize. All this had to go through cabinet for approval of their citizenship, spousal permits etc and every past government used it as a vote buying exercise around election time, which was wrong. Appoint an independent commission who can view these applications and grant where the applicant meets the criteria. It's about time an exercise like this be performed and stop the foolishness that is happening right now. If you illegal, then go back to your country. You will discover that a lot of folks will qualify for citizenship because of corrupt bahamians who sold their birthright for a bowl of soup. Remember the passport scam a few years ago when the passports for illegal haitians were found in the ceiling at the passport office. Also there was a group of people collecting same and flying to haiti to deliver same. The illegals then travel here as legit. So the problem is not with illegals but with us as bahamians. We need to come to our senses and stop marrying foreign to allow folks to get our citizenships for a marriage of convenience.

CatIslandBoy 6 years, 11 months ago

It is downright disgusting, and makes me sick to my stomach to read the deep hatred, bitterness, and resentment that is harbored towards the Haitian community by my fellow-Bahamians. I can only conclude that all this stems from a lack of embarrassment, and maybe intimidation, by the hard work ethic and educational achievement of this otherwise down-trodden people. I think we should be lauding Mr. Campbell, especially since his achievement speaks volumes of what can be accomplished in this great country. His rise and success is a testament to the best Christian values of the Bahamian People. Hopefully, our young people will look to Mr. Campbell as a positive role model.

ohdrap4 6 years, 11 months ago

i do not see why people are so rabid. it is the constitution that says they can register as a citizen.

many hatian girls are veyr pretty when young, so they marry into bahamian names and very quickly adopt the name

Cas0072 6 years, 11 months ago

You are confusing the constitution with the slackness that has been accepted over the years. Constitutionally, the only way he could have acquired citizenship is through his father who was deceased at the time of the affidavit. I also believe that submitting an affidavit at least required support from a pillar of the community type and not someone designated as a friend. As is, the document appears to be incomplete at the very least, and no amount of self righteous indignation can change that.

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago

And you obviously believe we have the resources and the land to take in all and sundry who come to our shores illegally and then propagate at an incredible rate. I would wager that at no time over the last three decades have you had children of your own in our public education system or dependent on our public healthcare system for medical care. There are many Bahamians trapped by poverty who are finding their daily needs for quality education, quality medical care and other social benefits are crushed by thousands and thousands of Haitians illegally residing in our country who unfairly and vigorously compete for these very same limited resources. But you sir, prefer to feel for the Haitians rather than your down trodden fellow Bahamians. It must be nice looking down from that elitist Christian perch you choose to sit on.

My2cents 6 years, 11 months ago

When is it ever wrong for citizens to question those in power, especially when it comes to issues that resemble fraud and undermining the constitution? It seems we want accountability unless it involves political favorites. If anything we should be lauding the democratic process of our great country (not Mr.Campbell's personal achievements). Even Haiti protected the integrity of its political office by disqualifying the dual passport holder and wife of Martelli from running for office. Why is it wrong and "hate filled" to ensure the same for the Bahamas?

And please let me know how you have determined Haitians to be superior to Bahamians in work ethic & education. Your comments are anecdotal at best. There are legitimate concerns about the non existent border between Haiti and Bahamas. How do you expect citizens to respond to an issue with no end in sight? Or leaders with no concern for stopping it or a development plan to facilitate? It's frustration, not hate and it's a worldwide problem. Bahamians are reacting no different from natives of other countries experiencing this trend. Your rant was disgusting not to mention hypocritical.

licks2 6 years, 11 months ago

What a bunch of dumb ninnies who want to be politicians. . .go to court foolish peoples. . .yall will keep talking until the story of LOP mom being Haitian come roaring down on yinna backsides. . .

BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 11 months ago

If The FNM had a problem with LOPs citizenship there was ample time before his demise to challenge it.

In no way shape or form does that validate Frankie's citizenship or silence concerns about it..


sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

What makes Frankie Campbell doubly difficult to stand is that he doesnot seem to know what his job is all about .......... He bungled the Bimini styrofoam mess and the Long Island barge mess .......... He is in charge of the Port Department, Local Government and Road Traffic ........ Lord help us poor Family Islanders who depend on the mailboat, vehicles and L.Govt.!!!!!

CatIslandBoy 6 years, 11 months ago

My personal belief, while not based upon any scientific polling, but pure guts and instinct, is that many of you are purely jealous of Frankie Campbell, and the fact that he could become not only a member of parliament, but also a Cabinet Minister in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and you couldn't. It is that Bahamian "Crabs in the barrel" syndrome. For those who are not jealous, your ignorance is deafening. If you have a serious issue with Mr. Campbell's citizenship, then you need to complain about the Constitution, and work to secure amendments more to your liking. Oh, but I forgot, most of you have never even taken the time to read and digest the Constitution and how it pertains to citizenship.

My2cents 6 years, 11 months ago

Personal belief, guts and instincts that one group is superior to another, aka prejudice? If anything was clear it's your ignorance and hypocrisy. The true crabs are the mass numbers of illegals who bombard a much smaller country and strain "free" resources without concern and those who aid them.

I personally see nothing wrong with any Bahamian of any ancestry taking part in politics. However, if the documents circulating on social media was sufficient in validating a birth occurred in Bahamas, it highlights a serious flaw. Any Bahamian, including Mr. Campbell, should not be opposed to preventing future citizenship fraud...unless Bahamas is not their priority. If challenging what appears to be fraudulent documents by a Parlianmentarian is forbidden by law or has a statute of limitations, please feel free to post that section of the constitution. At least it's based in fact and not emotional beliefs.

CatIslandBoy 6 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for pointing to my "ignorance and hypocrisy" without really pointing to it. The old adage that "People in glass houses should not throw stones" might be a good one for you to ponder. The truth is no amount of name-calling, or xenophobic ranting, even disguised in the fine cloth patriotism, could undo the results of the May 10th. Election. While you may hang your efforts to derail the results on any modicum of suspect evidence, it will never undo what the people did back in May. Every Bahamian knows what an true Affidavit of birth looks like because tens of thousands have use this very document, and this very process, to establish proof of their birth. This document only appears to be "fraudulent" to you, because of your desired outcome. You PLP's make it seem that when Frankie's mother arrived on these shores, she knew that her son was going to rise to the great halls of parliament one day, so she conspired with a "friend" to illegally register his birth. Give me a break!

For the record, no one understand the effects of illegal immigration on this country better than me. In my capacity as a former government official, I have seen first-hand how the illegal community, especially the Haitians, have impacted our economy, and our social infrastructure. I don't blame them, or hate them, for seeking a better way of life. I blame Us, Bahamians, for harboring them, using their cheap labor for decades, and then refusing to acknowledge to them the very rights that our own Constitution gives to them; and then attempting to blame them for our shortcomings.

I think the ignorance and hypocrisy hails loudly from your corner!

My2cents 6 years, 11 months ago

@CatIslandBoy you confirmed your own bigotry and ignorance with your hateful, disgusting "personal beliefs" and "gut" feelings about Bahamians. Because you feel like you're arguing for the underdogs, doesn't change this fact.

When Mr. Campbell's mother came to these shores she was likely doing what other illegal mothers were doing and continue to do...secure Bahamian citizenship for their children by any means neccessary. If you would take your "Frankie" blinders off you would admit there is a real concern: How and why was it possible for a foreign woman and her friend to provide a sworn affidavit regarding the country of birth for her child to a then deceased Bahamian, 16 years after the fact in the absence of a verifiable birth record?

If she was able to do it, fraudulently or not, so would and have thousands more. This is what is being challenged. And I am not sure why it's being met with resistance. He is not the first politician whose citizenship has been called into question, and he won't be the last.

Bahamians are not to blame for illegal immigration. The Bahamians who suffer the effects that illegal Haitians place on resources are those who are not in a position to hire them and live slightly better than shanty town Haitian themselves. They are seeking a better life as well. But I guess they are underserving of your compassion. You're just confirming your hypocrisy, again!

CatIslandBoy 6 years, 11 months ago

@My2cents At the end of the day, you and I are just two patriotic Bahamians, who really love our country, and do not want to see it overrun by illegal immigrants. That much I do understand. However, we part company when it comes to accepting that our Constitution has given certain rights to those born here to illegal immigrants. It appears to me, and I accept not to you, that Mr. Campbell has taken advantage of those rights, and is a legitimate Bahamian citizen, just like you and I. That is the end of the matter for me, with or without "Frankie blinders".

While I do sympathize with the plight of many Bahamians who are living on par with the "Shanty Town Haitians", this does not prevent me from recognizing injustice and mean-spiritedness against others. I believe that I can be both compassionate to my fellow-Bahamians who are struggling, and still uphold the Constitution of the Bahamas at the same time. While we cannot re-write history, like some of you wish to do, we can amend the Constitution to be more specific to who can become citizens after 1973.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 11 months ago

The one thing that has shocked me more than anything post election, is the apparent morphing of FNM supporters into the new PLP masters. The same thing happened to the PLP when they took over from the UBP.

It must be a power thing. All of a sudden the people who were screaming about being oppressed ,do a superman changeroo into the Massa 3.0 and start telling those who voice opinions to shut up. They beat you worse than the last guys. It's a weird thing to watch.

Showing up at the church to translate was a clear act of pandering, It was completely unnecessary as the church must have persons capable of translating or could have supplied one on request. It was a dumb idea by a failed strategist who hasn't realized that the FNM won by default, not by their super campaign strategist powers.

There are more important issues than Campbell's passport, but it probably should be cleared up. Precedents are important. I blame his lackadaisical attitude for the flare up,he should have addressed the issue when it first came up months ago and he should have addressed it seriously. I wondered why no other minister spoke to it when he was off island, perhaps they knew about all the land mines and no one wanted to sacrifice a limb for the cause

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago

All excellent points. And when the matter of Frankie Campbell's citizenship goes to court, the Minnis-led FNM government had better not be so foolish as to somehow intervene by granting Frankie 'honorary' citizenship on a retroactive basis. To do so, would be the ultimate betrayal of the Bahamian people and the most sacred thing they have as Bahamians .... their Bahamian citizenship. Is Minnis really going to spit in the eyes of the Bahamian people and somehow grant Frankie citizenship after the fact but with retroactive effect?!

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