Forbes warns party must move on from sense of entitlement

South Andros and Mangrove Cay MP Picewell Forbes speaking at the convention.

South Andros and Mangrove Cay MP Picewell Forbes speaking at the convention.


Deputy Chief Reporter


THE Progressive Liberal Party must change, said South Andros and Mangrove Cay MP Picewell Forbes last night, as he castigated some in the organisation who became “haughty, big headed, selfish” and “sometimes didn’t even want to shake supporters hands” during the Christie administration’s last term in office.

Meanwhile, former Minister of Grand Bahama Michael Darville said the party lost focus of the bigger picture. However, despite this, he maintained the PLP is the only political party with a vision and plan for the economically struggling Grand Bahama.

Their remarks came during the second night of the PLP’s 53rd National Convention, which is far less grand and elaborate than the party’s last convention held in January. Under the theme “We Will Rebuild” the event was well attended, but every seat was not filled in the ballroom of the Melia Nassau Beach Hotel.

“Mr (convention) chairman – how could a party with such a track record of accomplishments and sound record and proven record of investing and believing in its people, find itself where we are today? We must ask ourselves the difficult questions – honestly and sincerely we take a real introspective examination of our ways and reform, redress and readjust some things, post-haste,” Mr Forbes said.

“One of the tasks we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political party system within. Yes we must make sure the people who work and support the party know they are in control, and that we remain, especially those who aspire for high office, be cognisant of the fact that the politicians are always the servant and that the people are always the masters.”

He also said: “The PLP must move away from Bahamians feeling a sense of entitlement without hard work, but we must renew in our people a new sense of national and personal responsibility. The days of being a PLP, and expecting to have rights to big contracts, high paying jobs and all its accoutrements, without being accountable and responsible are gone. We must recognise that things are changing. We must rebuild this party and this country through the values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility.

“The poor, indigent and the less fortunate have always been with us – they thought we lost our way and many of these persons in this demographic have a view that we lost our way – the elderly, stalwarts, the frail, the disenfranchised and persons living over-the-hill like my mom, generally thought that we in the PLP became too haughty, big headed, selfish and arrogant and sometimes didn’t even want to shake our supporters hand.

“Mr Chairman, party leader, the PLP must change,” Mr Forbes said.

“There are some people in the forefront of this party who speak on our behalf politically, civically, religiously, and otherwise – whose time has come and must now step aside. We gotta get some better persons in the camp because if we are going to rebuild, change cannot only appear to happen, but the discerning Bahamian electorate demands real, evidential and tangible change in the PLP.

“We can no longer have the same persons for the last 10, 15, 20 years in charge of all the arms and capacities of the party. They can no longer play those same roles and expect a different result,” Mr Forbes said.

Regarding the state of Grand Bahama, Dr Darville said the situation there is taking a turn for the worst. He claimed long standing businesses are now closing their doors because of sluggish economic activity and the Minnis administration’s failure to bring change to the island.

He said three Grand Bahamian Cabinet ministers have no plan for the island, adding that the PLP will now take to the streets and reclaim the island in the 2022 general election.


stillwaters 6 years, 11 months ago

The same way everybody danced around the fact that somebody should have spoken honestly to Christie, is the same way they dancing around Fred and Brave. Nobody brave enough in this party to tell these old fellas to go now????? Dropping hints, like Monique Pindling, Forbes, but nobody calling them out by name.

Porcupine 6 years, 11 months ago

As if Forbes was any different. The PLP should be banned from The Bahamas, just like the Nazi party was banned in Germany. Picewell Forbes is nothing but a talking suit. No substance. Today, Wednesday, in his constituency, we have no power, no water, no phone service. He is merely one of many worthless "leaders" allowing The Bahamas to become a true global backwater. He should'a stuck to radio. Oh, but he already has pension from the taxpayers that he fails to represent. He should be next in line for a thorough investigation.

TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago

Comrade Picewell, the PLP's October convention was never intended to be about change. Wasn't the PLP as a viable party, its prime minister, cabinet members and its MP's.... not all May 10, 2017 castigated?
Isn't some the same some in the PLP organisation who became “haughty, big headed, selfish” and “sometimes didn’t even want to shake supporters hands” during the Christie administration’s.... not still there running and wanting to run the PLP party?
Comrade Picewell, you're one good convention speaker but only in pointing fingers at generalities....when it would have been so simple for you to have pointed directly at the very people who did the things you says were done... and you couldn't have missed them - cause they were right there at the PLP's convention... sitting right, front and center in front your eyes?

Twilight Sparkle - It's so simple... so practical... so ME.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

All these so-called new generation PLPs talking hard .......... but no one is calling out the chronic offenders to come forward in "sackcloth and ashes" and beg forgiveness ......... This sounds good but it is just so hollow and meaningless without public apologies from those who are being labeled as "haughty, selfish, greedy, corrupt and entitled" ......... Give us some names, Perswell

Honestman 6 years, 11 months ago

For as long as Davis and Mitchell have prominent positions within the PLP, the party will not be energised to change its despicable ways. With these two miscreants in their ranks, the PLP will remain unelectable.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

My point exactly ........ and we can name some more ...... Brad, AMG, Shame, Fitzy,............. etc.

banker 6 years, 11 months ago

I wonder if he stopped beating his wife yet?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Or juicing dem nasty Yardie gals

CatIslandBoy 6 years, 11 months ago

If the PLP is really serious about changing its ways, all of the Old Guard need to retire before the convention is over. A Bye-election could be held in the 4 constituencies currently represented by them, allowing some untainted, fresh, faces to rise up. Only a thorough cleansing of the Party could bring about the change of which they speak.

sealice 6 years, 11 months ago

how you gonna move on when you gat the same old tired has been leaders?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Davis, Cooper & Mitchell .......... da three crook-a-teers

SP 6 years, 11 months ago

Davis ongoing memory loss and Mitchell's history of refusing to talk to the electorate on talk shows are total non-starters. Cooper as deputy is a brown nose wannabe. Thank GOD the PLP now has absolutely NO CHANCE in 2022!

The DNA without Bran as leader is the only party to date positioned to contest the next government of the Bahamas.

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