No more taxes for the nation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please allow me to express these concerning matters, of great importance to me and our nation.

I will begin with this - our people cannot take anymore heavy taxes. When I voted in the Referendum - I voted NO to the gaming houses and YES for the lotto.

I voted “yes” because our athletes, sports and culture were not being supported. Sports teams begging with five gallon bottles to travel for our country!

The lotto is a billion dollar industry, every country in the word has one. As you may know, I already have a name - “Bahamas Lotto”. We could share the monies in four parts:-

(1) $250,000 - Youth, Sports & Culture.

(2) $250,000 -N.H.I.

(3) $250,000 -Pay down the debit.

(4) $250.000 -In the consolidated funds.

While we are at it - give every Bahamian over the age of 18 years, an acre of land with title deeds. Fix the generation properties so that the people will be able to invest in their islands. I will assure you that you will be the best Prime Minister that The Bahamas will ever have. Doc, I am drafting some papers, as I write this letter to The Editor. Never mind the Christian Council, do what is best for The Bahamas and our people. No more taxes, we cannot afford anymore.



October 24, 2017.


Dawes 6 years, 11 months ago

Fully agree on the idea of a lotto. I have travelled to the UK and nearly every sporting club and playgrounds have signs that say built using donations from the national lottery. We need to do the same here.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

The Numbers Cartel already have the Bahamian politicians by the BALLS ...... this Cabinet included .............. D'Aguilar can beat up his gums about a national Lottery, but Cabinet will vote NO.

joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago

The UK is an overrated ghetto. The populace is overtaxed, the infrastructure is decaying, the people are predatory in every way, LGBTQ persons have more rights than heterosexuals and immigrants have overrun the place.

Lotteries undermine work ethic and disadvantage those who need the greatest socioeconomic boost. Resource management while planning for the future is key, and you don't eed a lottery to do that.

Dawes 6 years, 10 months ago

And yet their murder rate is 0.92 per 100,000 compared to Bahamas 30. They don't need to have cook outs when a family member is sick. For the most part their Government schools work well and a majority of children go on to University. Such a Ghetto, must be terrible to live there.

joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago

Yet more than 40,000 elderly (that's the population of Grand Bahama) die during the winter every year, many from lack of heating. They spend more than 9 billion pounds ($15 billion) annually on the police force, Many have to wait more than 6 months for basic testing through NHS, their home ownership rates are much lower than here, levels of identity fraud and other nonviolent crimes are at far higher levels etc. and the list goes on. The educational system is pretty good though, it should be for the amount of taxes that are paid!!

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