Watch out, Mr Davis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Well finally Perry Gladstone Christie, has totally and fully left the political arena. I hope Philip “Brave” Davis will not take his counsel, but then it really does not make too much difference as to most, when you see Mr Christie you see Mr Davis.

Mr Christie’s comment on Ms Monique Pindling’s speech is what is so wrong with the PLP. Why not have a young, vigorous speaker to speak their mind? It is because you refused to listen, you and the PLP lost and if you continue the same old style of politics, you will not see the highest office for a long time! Unless of course Dr Hubert Minnis & Co, royally screw up.

To my thinking, the old guard still controls the PLP - from its new Chair down. What is there to inspire you? Actually I would be very concerned if I were Mr Davis. Mr Fred Mitchell wants the top job - so watch every shadow.

More than 6 months in with Dr Hubert Minnis & Co, they took 12 weeks off, basically no tangible politics, no announcements, no nothing. The People’s Time can only happen, Mr. Prime Minister if you satisfy The People, and the People are biting at the bit for action. Pointe Hotel finally some action, I hope Bahamians will get jobs.

Post Office - General Post Office, no solution, no mail! You get bills due for June in your box today and who cares. Buy 3-20,000 BTU ductless airconditioners, and you have resolved the issue. Lord, surely Cabinet can approve that?

West Bay - surely BP&L could have buried the new cable for that fancy condo, opposite Christie and relayed the asphalt? A week with the trench open!



October 26, 2017.


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