Airbnb tax a minor issue

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I borrowed a copy of the Punch from a friend of mine yesterday, to read an article by Nicki Kelly on what seems to have become a subject of significant national importance now.

To tax or not to tax Airbnb Hosts in the Bahamas. All twelve-hundred of them! Ms Kelly certainly emptied her encyclopedia of Bahamian law on the subject, and many others I have no doubt, have spent countless hours masticating and regurgitating this most significant issue of the day.

I understand that even our Cabinet has lent some consideration to this very weighty topic.

But having slept on Ms Kelly’s observations and awakened this morning to a copy of The Tribune, and the excellent article by Richard Coulson, on the very real, and very significant issues facing Dr Minnis and his Government of the nearly four hundred thousand people, living on these seven hundred islands, rocks and cays, (as BTC would say), and whether they tax Airbnb or not, it will have very little impact on the quality of life in The Bahamas, nor the financial credibility of the country. I think that we should salivate on more important matters.



August 30, 2017


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