Empty barrels

EDITOR, The Tribune.

LISTENING to former minister Zhivargo Laing yesterday on his radio talk show, I was amazed to hear him attempt to redefine the projects of the Chinese in The Bahamas as simply, “strategic investments”, not unlike those controlled by US or other super power interests.

I refuse to believe this former minister of finance is that naive, and I am much more relieved now that he is designated to a sub-par radio programme instead of making decisions on behalf of this country.

The minister is either woefully ignorant of the numerous projects being undertaken by the Chinese in not only our country, but a multitude of others in the Caribbean and around the world, or he is opting to wear blinders much like the set that caused his rapid free fall from public service.

I wish to be absolutely clear that no superpower, be they American or Chinese will invest in a country without ulterior motives, and history has taught us that their motives never benefit the inhabitants of the country. He would have us believe, one must assume, that our current economic state was caused by poor investment strategy by the powers that be, instead of pre-meditated sabotage and manipulation of a key project to gain a stronger foothold in this country. He would have us bury our heads in our aragonite rich ground than call out the Chinese for what they are, colonisers. Plain and simple.

They have colonised African nations, other Caribbean nations, and now their lasers are focused on us, but this man would have us sit back and say, “well, America did it too”. Do us all a favour, sir, and go quietly into that good night where you were sent in 2012.



August 31, 2017.


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