Apocalypse of crime

EDITOR, The Tribune.

EVER since men started to evolve into societies we have been plagued with crime and the violence often associated with it.

Indeed, Cain way back in the day slayed his brother Abel in a fit of jealously and resentment. Nothing much, alas, has changed since then. No, do not get me wrong about the whole concept of crime and the utter destruction which it wrecks on collective society but, the question which begs an answer is whether or not we, again collectively, are serious about confronting it.

Successive administrations have appointed consultative commissions and committees on crime as if they were going out of style.

There are numerous “reports and studies” which have been submitted to “the power that be” at any given time.

The “old” PLP used to go that route. The Hubert Ingraham administration went the same way. Despite all of these so-called “reports and studies”, crime continues unabated.

I am not one to subscribe to the bogus view that crime will ever be solved because of human nature to simply sin, but it can and must be reduced to the irreducible minimum.

I do not believe that the run of the mill politicians who infest our public life have the political will power to seriously address the triple issues of crime; punishment and rehabilitation.

It is very seldom that right-thinking members of Bahamian society will, off the bat, commit a crime, except for one of sudden passion. We are aware of the criminal consequences and banishment from regular society. The rest of you all, especially the ones who may have dropped out of school and have no marketable job skills, are relegated to a perpetual life of crime an my hem.

Our criminal justice system is a complete joke and is “geared” towards, seemingly, the victims more than the perpetrators.

Sentencing, where one is found guilty is often a mere slap on the wrist and the beat goes on and on ad nauseum.

Persons who are charged with homicides are often granted bail “with conditions”. It is unfortunate that many of them so admitted to bail and are supposed to be monitored are themselves gunned down like zero.

The incidents recently involving the shooting death of an infant and the wounding of the parents coupled with the armed robberies of an Anglican church and the hold up and robbery of a prominent Bishop’s children and their chauffeur, have alarmed the general populace.

We should not be alarmed because we, as a people, have yet to get serious. You will recall that a few short months ago, prominent Evangelist Rex Major and his family endured a brutal and shocking home invasion.

It will only get worse while you all wring your hands and shed onion induced fake tears.

The Apocalypse of crime will ‘kill’ us all in one way or the other. As I said earlier, we do not seem to care about the punishment stage.

If one takes a life without legal justification, our laws are clear....he or she forfeits his/her own life - it is as simple as that.

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has our hands tied. Get rid of this archaic judicial cum human rights nuisance and we could resume executions once all other judicial appeals are completed.

Rehabilitation and the smooth re-entry of offenders back into society must also be urgently addressed.

It is no use for an convict to be sent to The Bahamas Correctional Centre only to come out worse than when he/she went in.

Job training and sustainable vocational skills must be taught to those willing to learn or train as an inducement for ‘time off’. It is to be hoped that such individuals would be able to reintegrate into their communities and move on in a positive way with their lives.

The Apocalypse might appear to be upon us but, may I suggest, that we are merely going through knee jerk reactions and the fable seventh day news event.

In short order, almost like watching a reality show on the tube, we will wait with baited breath for the next sensational ‘crime’ event. To God then, in all things, even the Apocalypse, be the glory.



September 2, 2017.


banker 7 years ago

What an ignorant, illiterate man. He doesn't even know the difference between bated breath and baited breath. Baited breath is fishy, but perhaps that is what he is accustomed to. The solution to crime is not punishment. The problem comes long before the crime is committed. We are sowing what we reap in terms of the unraveling of the societal and moral fabric of the Bahamas, and it started and was fostered by Lyndon Oscar Swindling the drugrunner revered by the likes of the disbarred lawyer Bodie who pens these missives showing his vast ignorance and perfidy. He doesn't have the sense to be ashamed of what he writes and how much of his own stupidity that it demonstrates with each word.

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