We need jobs

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IF we are to believe the OPM spokesman, the PM is concentrating on corruption whilst the country, in every single Constituency, are screaming for jobs, jobs, jobs!

Surely the AG and the Minister of State Justice can deal with corruption and the PM get to work?

Government committing to international conferences - I see we somehow got to committed to a FAO/Food & Agriculture organisation conference next year - all we are doing is filling beds - civil servants and persons who attend these meetings do not spend Minister - wake up even if it might be embarrassing owing to our dire financial position cancel the darn meeting and any other the PLP committed to. Unless the Treasury is assured they will make money we corporately should not be committing to these meetings.

Precisely the same goes for those crazy so-called Tourism events which really were events for us locals - if they don’t make money cancel.

Financial Secretary - I have to ask for an explanation from the Prime Minister how he justifies the appointment of the new Financial Secretary? The People want to know and it is the People’s business.

The PM as a doctor of medicine would not appoint a medical sales person as the Head of Surgery at PMH, surely?

So 75 fired in GB...Minister says not the dockyard - what’s the difference.



August 31, 2017.


ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

"#Financial Secretary - I have to ask for an explanation from the Prime Minister how he justifies the appointment of the new Financial Secretary? The People want to know and it is the People’s business. The PM as a doctor of medicine would not appoint a medical sales person as the Head of Surgery at PMH, surely?"

I'd take it further, he wouldn't then allow the medical salesperson to operate on his child.

There is professional and personal due diligence to be conducted on the person who will have 100% control of the entire budget of the Bahamas. Remember the uproar when we found out the details in the Ishmael Lightbourne case, and he was only responsible for VAT.

This position has responsibility for approving all contract awards, that's ALL, and making deeply technical calculations and financial decisions to turn the country around. This is the most important job in the Bahamas at the moment. To give it to someone who has has never functioned professionally as an economist or in some pseudo economic role is mind boggling.

Someone once told me, when it doesn't make sense, look at the dollars, who's benefitting? And I don't want to go there.

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