Crime worry

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please allow me to express myself as a very concerned citizen of this beloved Bahamas

In today’s headline dated September 5th in The Tribune reads, “We All Need To Worry!”

It was, I guess, the sentiments of the Prime Minister with regards to Hurricane Irma. This disturbed me, not as an FNM, but as Bahamian that my Prime Minister, if in fact he used the word WORRY, not only puts panic and unease among citizens whom already are broken from the surge of crime, but it alludes to the fact that this government has no plans for anything other than corruption.

To my Prime Minister it’s time to get on with the things that matter most – crime and the economy.

The impact of a hurricane will be disastrous, not only in physical infrastructure but the way of life for many Bahamians, including yourself maybe succumb to crime as the economic impact will be devastating.

I call on Marvin Dames to make a public address with the approval from Cabinet to make a Zero Tolerance address on all the electronic media and print media alerting all culprits with illegal firearms that the police has been given authorisation to use deadly force on persons with firearms in their possession.

Hurricane Irma will pass, Mr Prime Minister, but the undesirables in our country who are preying on the good citizens of this country are here to stay and if you want to worry it‘s with this high crime element.

I call on the government to make a national address with regards to this Hurricane called “Crime”!




September 5, 2017.


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