Are all permits truly needed?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Immigration - it seems indiscriminate issuing of permits for foreign domestics and nannies is the FNM way.

Location a gated community out west since May 10th... serious topic of conversation - you know we have been able to get the Immigration permit for a Filipino that we have been waiting for and couldn’t get under the PLP...

The same goes for comments from people, mostly Bahamians trying to get nannies.

Well, I remember up and down the Eastern Road in the real hey day of the Eastern Road folk in Government that every family had a Bahamian, sorry a black Bahamian, cook - nanny and maid. Check those who are still alive are almost reverenced by the Eastern Road off-springs who now have their own families.

Why is Immigration granting Immigration permits for any level of a simple domestic?

Desperate for money against allowing a Bahamian to be employed? In the past under Fred, Immigration revenue boomed to $40m annually.

I see no reason that Government should be issuing immigration permits under these classifications. BTVI should be training people if there is a shortage.

If the Government disagrees please tells us! Why we should? So it is The People’s time but not for domestics - cooks - nannies! Come on Doc!



September 18, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 12 months ago

Well put and spot on!

All too often our government puts its own revenue needs ahead of jobs for Bahamians. This must stop.

MonkeeDoo 6 years, 12 months ago

W. Thompson has obviously never employed a Bahamian maid. In the old days 1950's and '60's the older Bahamians didn't tief, worked hard and put in a full day. As those gentle folk died out a new breed of Bahamian had grown up and with the political rhetoric still hot, they were told it was o.k. to tief, as long as you tief from da white man. My wife and daughter have lost 99 percent of any jewellery they ever had, to maids bolstered by this mantra. Fortunately also with the advent of Majority Rule, Bahamians no longer wanted to be maids or gardeners and preferred office and shopkeeping jobs. Moreso, the hotels were growing and needed housekeeping, barkeeping, and restaurant staff, This work although generally paid at the same rate as a housekeeper or gardener, was a lot more prestigious and they have flocked to it since. So that gave rise to Jamaican and Haitian domestic labour, and as both PLP and FNM governments have realized, the Filipino domestic will not mix with the locals and will ultimately go back home. The Haitians and Jamaicans have and are mixing with Bahamians both ways and a new semi-Bahamian is emerging.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

You could have hired an under-class conchie joe gal too ....... BOL

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

It is so shameful that the Bahamian upper/high-mid society prefer foreigners to keep their children and homes that their own kinfolk ........ that is the insidious classism that is going to ruin our country ......... These foreigners do not go back home and they form another underclass in our society ......... In the next 100 years, who or what will be a Bahamian????????

Brent is not doing the country a favour by granting work permits for unskilled domestics.

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