The Christian thing

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The prime minister’s plan to offer Dominican students refuge in The Bahamas in the face of a humanitarian crisis is the right and decent thing to do.

For a so-called “Christian” nation, it is the Christian thing to do.

It will provide a wonderful opportunity to teach our children about another country, both in terms of culture and geography, and to instil in them a spirit of kindness and compassion (so needed in the battle against crime).

It is a way to stimulate an interest in learning, forge new friendships and make contacts.

It is also only right and just that children born in the Bahamas of Haitian parents attend school here, especially those children who have never lived anywhere else.

To deny this latter group of children access to learning is not only a violation of their human rights, it will deter them from growing into productive residents and contributing to the tax base of the country, thus robbing the country’s potential for economic growth.

What is the alternative? To allow a large underclass of people to develop in a dark and sinister underworld, forced to resort to a life of crime to survive and perhaps risk future insurgency?

The outcry against schooling these unfortunate people is sad, but not surprising considering that even in their own country, women do not enjoy the full rights of Bahamian citizenship. That’s half the population.



September 27, 2017


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 12 months ago

Your views here are not surprising given all of the time you spent as a Tribune reporter. Many of us are well aware of the heritage of the founder of The Tribune.

birdiestrachan 6 years, 12 months ago

These are the Christians writings. They will all do well to know that each man or woman will stand before a just judge for themselves. and not before those who tell lies and mislead people and make promises to the Bahamian people that he has no intentions of keeping;

The masterful liar roc wit doc. and those like the writer who supports him .in all of his lies.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 12 months ago

Do unto others ............ as you do unto your own ............

That should be the mantra of Bahamian politicians

birdiestrachan 6 years, 11 months ago

May I suggest and I expect to be paid. That the Dominican Children be sent to Grand Bahama send some of their teachers with. them there is a empty hotel there in which they can be housed**** I am sure the Former head Master Mr Joe Darville and other retired teachers will give of their time.

The churches can help according to what churches they attend arrange with Bahamian Families to welcome the children and teachers into their homes on week ends take them to church and introduce them to the Bahamian culture.

I expect my cheque to be in the mail. What the Bahamas need are ideas not mud slinging.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

Birdie is actually giving sensible suggestions here ....... WOW!!!!!!!

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