
EDITOR, The Tribune.

I WAS quite surprised when the row broke out at the NPCC when the offered refugee week was up, and the people were expected to leave.

I thought at the time that we really must be quite unprepared in terms of sheltering people in times of misfortune. Now we have the Dominica people being offered sanctuary, but the hunt will soon be on for accommodation.

When we have so much video coverage of refugees in Turkey, Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries and also The Muslim Hajj in Mecca where all of these millions of people exist comfortably in modern day tents. Some even with Air Conditioning. At the time of Irma I remember thinking that at least a thousand or more people could comfortably be sheltered on Fort Charlotte sports ground. Obviously one would need more than just tents, but how come NEMA doesn’t have these to hand. Instead of Grenades being given to us, maybe it could have been Chinese manufactured tents.

There would need to be proper sanitation, and showers for bathing, as well as some sort of communal cooking facility, but it seems to me that this is the sort of thing we need both in the Capitol, as well as the Islands. The United Nations have their own branded tents and maybe they give these out to Member Countries.

Just a thought.



September 27, 2017.


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