A fistful of dollars

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Arriving at the Bridge Toll Booth yesterday, with only a $50.00 note and a debit card, I asked the attendant if I could pay the toll with the latter debit card. No sir, we only take cash the attendant said with a smile. So I thereupon tendered my $50.00 note and she painstakingly counted out 48 $1.00 notes. Picture above.

In the developed world, there would be no attendant and the number plate would be scanned and the owners credit card would be charged. Little wonder that the Bridge Authority can’t pay its Bond Interest! Cash has a tendency to be like water poured into a colander and people are an expensive commodity and the toll takers will someday be bringing actions against the Authority for their exposure to toxic fumes.

Years ago there was an automatic token drop. Maybe that could be combined with a credit card swipe, on both sides of the lane, to accommodate the right hand drive vehicles if we can’t go fully digital all at once.



March 31, 2018


Sickened 6 years, 5 months ago

You dreaming huh? The three toll booth workers would go on strike if they attempt to install an automated machine. There is no way our FNM government would risk losing 3 votes even it helped tens of thousands of Bahamians. Bahamian's first... not machines!!!

joeblow 6 years, 5 months ago

Be thankful she didn't give you several rolls of quarters or dimes! That's the mentality!

Socrates 6 years, 5 months ago

another example, in case you need one, of why we are firmly embedded in the 3rd world.. we hate progress and will fight it tooth and nail!

ohdrap4 6 years, 5 months ago

next time, carry one of those penny jars people keep at home.

then count the pennies in front of her and give it to her.

But , the minister of finance said the family islands without banks will have to go cashless. ha1

sheeprunner12 6 years, 5 months ago

BOL ........ good point about need for cash-less bridge toll booth ...... Out Islands still cash-based for now ........ Post Offices doing good business with accounts.

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