Lima gaffe

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ON a recent trip to Lima Peru, the Prime Minister made comments in an international forum that both confused and astounded me. On the one hand he sought to attract potential investors to our country, and on the other he cited the extent of government corruption estimated by him to be $200m per year. It sends a duplicitous message that we are a corrupt country that is seeking investors.

I suspect that was not his intent, but it is another in a series of unnecessary gaffes.



April 18, 2018.


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 5 months ago

In Peru Minnis simply read what was written for him without even thinking about it. Minnis just does not have the mental prowess to think quickly on his feet. It's why he was quick to appoint a press secretary for himself. It's also the reason why he is such a poor debater on the floor of the HOA and why he so often plants his foot in his mouth. He must have studied very long and hard to make it through medical school, not doubt with great help from highly influential others when he needed it most. He has a grandiose sense of self import and a serious overdose of arrogance....much like Trump. Unfortunately Minnis's IQ is no where near Trump's IQ of 142 (per testing results at the military academy Trump attended).

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