Sad but marriage has lost its value

EDITOR, The Tribune

I wrote this a while ago and I would like to bring out what Is important to this article:

Values Eroded By Affluence

“Years ago, in a presidential campaign, the slogan was “Vote for me and I will assure you of a chicken in every pot and a new car in every garage.” We now have people with three-car garages and four boats in the lagoon.

Materially, we may not be richer than King Midas, but we are as greedy. Spiritually, however, we are without a moral rudder. The ten Commandments (How many can quote them?), are no longer devout to many Christians and I have been waiting for the day when the politically correct liberal press takes aim at the vernacular of the Commandments.

The Commandment of “Honour thy father and mother” is losing its virtue, since a family may consist of “NO” father or mother, or two fathers and/or two mothers. “The thou shall nots” are being replaced with “The thou shall.”

In addition, sacraments are being eroded. ‘“Holy Matrimony” is now debased by divorce and live-in lovers and “Holy orders” has lost some of its special appeal due to paedophile priests. Even penance is rarely practised.

Will we find the values that can defeat this affluent Society and bring us to eternal life? Only if we are able to read, listen, believe and have faith in the One who spoke the truth.

The world confuses love with desire. Desire say, I want sensual pleasure from that person, when we say “I love him/her”. God is love, and that which takes us away from God cannot be love.

Real love in its true meaning does not depend upon feelings, desires, or emotions. Love is essentially a sacrifice. It flows outward toward others. The counterfeit of love is selfishness. It sacrifices others to its own desires or emotions.

According to Sister Lucy who said, “The final battle between Our Lord and Satan, will be over marriage and the family.” That battle, is now underway.

Like I said, Marriage is a sacrament of God. And we love Our Lord by keeping his Commandments and sacraments.

However, everything is relative. Relativism has taken over our minds. Nothing is true anymore. (Everyone is doing it, aren’t you?) Nothing is no longer black or white there are always shades of gray. All you have to do is to look at the babies being born today, in the newspaper, and find that most are no longer Mr and Mrs anymore.

Marriage has lost its value, and everyone must ask why?


Illinois, USA

December 7, 2018


joeblow 5 years, 9 months ago

Marriage, family, decency, respect for others and their property, hard work etc have all lost their value. Having a nice weave, making money by any means and doing what feels good to you are far more important to most!

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