Outfoxing Cable

EDITOR, The Tribune.

GREETINGS to my fellow Bahamians. Just wanted to say how much shock I was in, after working all day in the sun and coming home to relax and read my Tribune only to find out that Cable Bahamas is getting rid of Fox News. Those crazy, progressive liberals can’t stand to hear the truth about the conservative Republican party, led by President Donald J Trump. They, led by David Burrows, choose to continue to push the lies of the lame stream media, about Trump, on conservatives in The Bahamas, but I for one will not allow them to brainwash me with those lies.

Tomorrow, February 2, 2018, I will be cancelling my subscription of TV, phone and Internet from those clowns. David, you bring shame on yourself by your actions. For someone that spent so many years in Nassau Christian Academy, the Christian classes that you attended were just a waste of your time. I hope and pray that many more conservatives will be joining me in my boycott of this evil decision that you made.

This is just an attack on Fox News for supporting President Trump. I will be signing up with dish network for truth network otherwise known as Fox News. Some people’s eyes are wide shut.



February 1, 2018.


ohdrap4 7 years, 1 month ago

They, led by David Burrows

David burrows is leading the liberals?

the democrats need a Presidential candidate.

Porcupine 7 years, 1 month ago

People who watch FOX news have been studied for years now. The results are predictably sad and depressing.

joeblow 7 years, 1 month ago

I will also be making decisions with my wallet concerning this recent move by Cable Bahamas!

Telllikeitis 7 years, 1 month ago

While I hold no brief for Cable Bahamas, they gave an explanation as to why Fox was dropped. They stated that Fox wanted too much money to renew the contract...more than BBC, CNN and NBC combined. Additionally, the channel that replaces Fox is a conservative leaning channel...One News The most disappointing thing about this article is that our people fail to research and read before jumping to conclusion. SAD, Eyes Wide Open...they may be open but you don't read or just choose to misrepresent.

sealice 7 years, 1 month ago

wait you think you are a good christian person because you support Trump? You are a living Oxymoron....

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

Anti-Trump mindset is in the main synonymous with Pro-Christie/PLP mindset.

milesair 7 years, 1 month ago

Pro Trump mindset means that you must have your head up your a$$. So what else is new?

milesair 7 years, 1 month ago

Maybe I should have said "bongey," same thing but than you should NEVER argue with an idiot!

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 1 month ago

You've clearly voted PLP in too many past general elections.

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