School repairs clarification

THE Tribune wishes to correct a report published on Wednesday that said $14m has been budgeted for school repairs this summer.

In fact, $7.2m has been budgeted for school repairs. Of that total, $4.5m has been budgeted for building work contracts, $1.2m for electrical work contracts, $744,000 for air-conditioning contracts and $699,000 for plumbing contracts.

The figures were provided by Press Secretary Anthony Newbold during a press conference on Tuesday.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the correction I was confused when I read the original story, but I'm still confused. I thought ?Jeff Lloyd said the days of these big summer contracts and the 100 yard Repair the Schools dash to Sept-1 were a thing of the past.....???

sheeprunner12 6 years, 2 months ago

Lloyd talks crap, he has no clue of how to reform public education and the giant corrupt MOE quagmire. It has to be blown up, period

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