MPs’ attire

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am once again forced to be obliged from my observation of our present day MPs, who in my opinion, have no regard, respect or just ignorant and don’t know any better on proper attire when attending the Honourable House of Assembly. Gentlemen, you are leaders in society, where the youth of our country are looking up to you for guardians and leadership, your deportment plays a big part in that.

How can you justify going to the hallowed halls of our ancient Parliament in a tan suit as was the case today 18/06/2018 of the member for Pinewood, the Honorable “Reuben Rahming” who at CARICOM rested his hat on the table. Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves looking down at the malaise of what have been brought on us, where these so-called Honourable men have thrown standards out the door, but again, do they know what standards are?

Dark coloured suits are the required attire, not light colours, or tan, it’s inappropriate! If you know better, then you do better, please stop this embarrassment in our society.


Freeport, GB

June 18, 2018.


juju 6 years, 2 months ago

Pastor Rahming is a beekeeper. He doesn’t know any better.

joeblow 6 years, 2 months ago

Which suggests a 3 month course on protocol and etiquette should be available to all who offer themselves as candidates in a general election so that they can be properly prepared to represent their constituents should they win!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 2 months ago

The Bahamian MPs are culturally and fashionably rebelling against the Queen ......... and stuffy English dress and ...... But Travis cannot vote his conscience in the clique........ SMH

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