FNM MP warns: People are angry


GOLDEN Isles MP Vaughn Miller.


Deputy Chief Reporter 


GOLDEN Isles MP Vaughn Miller said yesterday the Minnis administration is faced with an “angry” and impatient electorate who feel disconnected from the government.

Bahamians, he said, are not “feeling” those in power and do not understand the language the government is speaking.

Noting the Minnis administration’s Speech from The Throne and its promise to ensure there are adequate provisions to protect homeowners facing hardship, the backbench MP said the Free National Movement was elected on this promise among others. He questioned how much longer were the people most affected expected to suffer.

The FNM MP also very briefly commented on the controversial Oban Energies issue, saying fossil fuels is a dying energy form.

“There is a mortgage crisis going on,” Mr Miller said yesterday as he contributed to the mid-year budget debate. “You’d be surprised to know who cannot meet their mortgage demands. I’ve met many persons, Mr Speaker, who the banks have foreclosed on, but are allowing them to remain in the home.

“I met a family, the wife with a terminal illness and the husband unemployed. Their home is up for foreclosure. They are allowed to remain in the home. Every time a police car drives through the corner they are wondering if it’s coming to supervise their eviction.”

He continued: “Mr Speaker I remind you that we’ve made a commitment. The Speech from The Throne, I repeat it: ‘my government will review legislation to ensure that adequate provisions exist for the protection of homeowners with respect to foreclosure, mortgage protection.’

“The pain, the anguish, the mental (and) emotional (stress). . . sometimes they cry and my brothers, I cry with them. What else can I do? Imagine working most of your adult life, acquired your dream home and now you are about to lose everything?

“Mr Speaker, we promised to bring them solutions and relief. They need it now. Too many people, hard-working Bahamians are losing their greatest lifetime investments. How much longer do we intend to watch them suffer and lose it all?

“I understand the challenges, but we are dealing with an angry and impatient electorate. There seems to be a disconnect and they are not feeling us. The language we are speaking they are not understanding. There is a disconnect.

“We are in the Easter season and as a pastor, as a church leader and going through personal conflicts we always talk about those on the way to Jerusalem who said ‘hosanna, hosanna.’ Three days later as they exit, they hear ‘crucify him, crucify him.’ We have had our hosanna and now are beginning to hear the cry of crucify. Why? Because there’s an impatient, there’s an unforgiving, there is an electorate who wants it now and that is the reality of the situation that we are facing.”

Regarding the proposed Oban oil refinery and storage facility, he said: “I know of the talk of Oban and we can’t get into it for obvious reasons, but Mr Speaker fossil fuel is a dying energy form. We have the ability (and) the capability. Under the last administration I heard a part of a presentation referring to a marvelous most wonderful form of technology available to us. We have an opportunity. We have been elected to lead this country in a different direction, a different path and to empower a generation of Bahamians.”

Ahead of his 2017 general election loss, former Prime Minister Perry Christie said his administration’s revamped mortgage relief programme had assisted 350 Bahamian homeowners since it was reintroduced.

At the time, he called it a “significant” turnaround from the failings of his government’s first attempt at the initiative. Assisting struggling homeowners was one of the Christie administration’s campaign promises ahead of the 2012 general election. It was implemented early in its term, but the programme under performed, leading Mr Christie to admit in 2013 that only four or five homeowners were expected to receive assistance.

The programme has been abandoned by the Minnis administration, who criticised it while in opposition.

Mr Miller also said despite the country’s independence, its most precious natural resources remain in the hands of the elite while the disenfranchised and poor continue to be ignored.

“The disenfranchised, the poor, the rejected, the despised of the country most of whom made it possible for us to get here, they are the ones we forget and we only remember when it’s time to go back to them to re-elect us to give us an opportunity to serve.

“Successive administrations have done it and now we have a wonderful opportunity to change the course of history,” Mr Miller said.


joeblow 6 years, 6 months ago

It is distressing to see highly educated people make such poor choices and have so little regard for their country and its people! They fail to keep the promises they made before election and are numb to the pain their folly causes the people they are duty bound to serve. The interesting thing is that people with little to no education have more insight into how issues in this country could be addressed than those we elected to lead!

DreamerX 6 years, 6 months ago

I can't agree that they have more insight. But I can say that they have a more direct means. The problem is, the more direct means usually tramples on another. Not excusing officials for poor implementation of projects (not considering corruption) but, they would makes matters more polarized.

stillwaters 6 years, 6 months ago

Campaign promises are based in deceit. The electorate needs to understand that and stop running on high emotion during rallies. There's not much any Bahamian government can do for the people right now. There are no jobs waiting magically in the wings, there is no pot of money waiting somewhere in la-la land, and things are going to get worse before they get better because what it will take to fix the problems, will make things worse for awhile. People elect people to govern and then expect them to turn into magicians.

DreamerX 6 years, 6 months ago

This a fair statement, however, the overarching theme of the current administration can be noted as "Change" in terms of giving a new leader and some new individuals a shot to govern. But, the opening day held glorious media coverage of all the sprinting action only to dwindle into sophomore blues.

joeblow 6 years, 6 months ago

Magicians no, but this is where leadership comes in. The leader of a country should be honest with the people and mobilize them to move in a direction that is in the countries best interest. That's what Pindling did in the early years, that's what Lula did in Brazil! The problem is winning an election does not qualify one to lead a country!

licks2 6 years, 6 months ago

Most common sense statement I have heard on this site for a long while. I so sad that my people have been made into this childish and blind group of beggars who don't understand that the "feeder" government is one in which cronies them benefit with the lion share! One long time FNM told me that doc have to go! I asked why. . ."heen takin care of FNMs. . .I want one contract"! A contract that she don't have the equipment to carry out! I said: "ya red fellas them are cleaning out the house by laying a new foundation for change"! "that een why they were put in there. . .they went there to help us"!

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 6 months ago

No we didn't expect a magician we expected a plan. You don't have to be Einstein to sit around a table two years BEFORE you take the reigns and start working on what we guh do when we get there. It don't have to be perfect but it's a start. They were completely unprepared and I'm not guessing. I have good information that they didn't put much effort into policy planning, they were only interested in what the mob wanted to hear.

licks2 6 years, 6 months ago

I pity yinna political persons. . .can't be balance if it depends on ya mother life!

I suggest that you go online and take a look at the national plan for the Bahamas. . .if you are familiar with professional planning methods you will see that nobody needed anything further than that! Take ya tail and read and stop being dumb politician. . . that plan is so comprehensive all anybody who is trained in planning or PM needs to do is put together a processing team and go to town!! Listening to your reasoning I see why see why you say they only catered to the baser instinct of the masses. . .with political thinkers like you in them crowds. . .that's seem easy to do!

Sickened 6 years, 6 months ago

When our middle class are losing their homes left & right you know, deep down, that this ship is still going down. It may have slowed its decent down a bit, but we are still sinking. I don't know of any good, quick solutions but something big must happen soon. I personally look out as far as I can see, and I see no life boats, no rescue planes coming to our aid. Put your life vests on and prepare yourselves to jump.

DDK 6 years, 6 months ago

Sadly, it's beginning to look that way........ A good statement from MP Miller.

BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 6 months ago

Politics aside the good reverend deserves commendation for speaking on his conviction and for the people.

stillwaters 6 years, 6 months ago

It was so refreshing to read what he said.

TalRussell 6 years, 6 months ago

Maybe there is fresh hope Comrade MP Vaughn. or will Speaker rule honourable member out order and suspended from red backbenches People's Honourable House of Assembly?


TalRussell 6 years, 6 months ago

What sign red relief for "impact Real Change" Comrade MP Vaughn to call out PM, KP and Carl Wilshire. There's goin be some fresh expressions independent thought respecting the constituents who sent you up House floor crossings within next 10 to 21 days?

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 6 months ago

Looks like LBT and her gang were exactly right. Time for Minnis to go. He just can't do the job.

TalRussell 6 years, 6 months ago

Ma Comrade, Abacoians need remember when they before signed up as "Abacoian Friends Loretta"... maybe time call meeting and re invite Loretta back Marsh Harbour? Time take another fresh look back how the red party cames about reject coup's house MP's?

DDK 6 years, 6 months ago

The people of Abaco are very angry too. They have two elected Government representatives who seem oblivious to the strain put on the community by Government's inability to provide Power To The People!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 6 months ago

Agreed DDK ......... The people of Long Island are pissy angry since the SLOP era ........ But, things can only get better when you are at rock bottom ........ Faith without works is dead.

Greentea 6 years, 6 months ago

how is it going down there without LBT?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 6 months ago

BOL ......... LBT was a big shiny object ...... like a shooting comet that burns out

Dawes 6 years, 6 months ago

Time for politicians on both sides to be honest with the public. All these promises before elections are not possible. All this great talk about how amazing things will soon be are all lies. The country is close to being broke and our leaders (from both parties and civil service ) do not have the testicular fortitude to do what is needed. They need to tell the Bahamian people that we are facing years of pain in order to get out of the quagmire we find ourselves in. And yes i said years, as there is nothing that can be done that will make it better in the space of months. They need to tell the public that Government can not be the solution to the lack of jobs, as the only way for Government to do that would be for the government to raise taxes a lot to pay for all of this. And finally they need to lock up each person found stealing or being corrupt who works for Government without exception and regardless of who they may be. By doing all this, we may have a chance in 5 - 10 years of making this country as good as it should be.

Greentea 6 years, 6 months ago

that requires leadership and vision. both in extremely short supply in the political class.

TigerB 6 years, 6 months ago

Not sure any government can fix this country, wish them all God speed

TalRussell 6 years, 6 months ago

Ma Comrade TigerB, the old school structured political parties must no longer be tolerated. It's the people who must change the Bahamaland - not be left chance to the politicians. We have far too many who 'Vote for the expectation a public purse Living.' some even spent their work hours calling into talk shows - hopping from talk show host to talk show host... even now with change government, I'm already recognising a whole new set public purse's voices calling into talk shows.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 6 months ago

Wrong, a secure leader can do a lot for our country. For one they put some experienced people on the economic council and not have it burdened down with the same ministers who didn't plan anything.

Next they'd engage the people looking for ideas. I firmly believe if we had an inspiring leader who was willing to listen was clearly putting qualified people in key positions irrespective of party, you'd have wealthy Bahamians willing to help. But nobody is going to support someone who appoints a marketing manager to the top finance position in the country when the country is on the edge of an economic cliff . It's ridiculous

OMG 6 years, 6 months ago

The solutions to all the countries problems are going to be difficult to solve at a stroke. Remember all that VAT money on top of import duties was spent by the previous administration on worthless projects and lousy non bid contracts. Yes the middle class is suffering but maybe its time to hold accountable the politicians, Permanent secretaries and others who signed off or benefitted from these deals and prosecute them . The state the country is in did not happen overnight but took years of mismanagement. And for once I totally agree with TaRussell.

Greentea 6 years, 6 months ago

They get a bad rap- but if wasn't for the Permanent secretaries- some not all- I believe we would be in worse trouble.

Seaman 6 years, 6 months ago

Here in Abaco, angry PLPs who left the PLP for a better way are now leaving this scatter brain party...... With that being said so are grass root FNMs. I disagree with a previous post...the worthless FNMs are not taking care of theiir supporters. Not that they are special, but when we ask for something to be done thatI is good for our community...the MPs disappear. All they run on with is the PLP messed thing up. When the Mud burnt...every bitch and his uncle came over......when power was off for days......every bitch and his uncle was a no show.

SP 6 years, 6 months ago

GOLDEN Isles MP Vaughn Miller is on the right track with his analysis of the peoples' pulse.

PM Sheriff Minnis FNM is dealing with an angry and impatient electorate because the people were way beyond their wit's end after 25 years of the asinine political stupidity and collaborative corruption of Christie and Ingraham way before May 2017.

The people have absolutely no capacity of patience left!

Secondly, the electorate is now better educated, and fully understand that our country has an abundance of natural resources that to date Dr. Minnis chose to allow to remain in the control of foreign interest, Brent Symonnet & Holowesko's crew of generational pirates.

What gives a handful of white Bahamians the right to make billions from the countries natural resources while the masses suffer?

We the people did not vote for a continuation of the status quo, we voted for change, and inclusion to benefit from our rightful inheritance of natural resources!

Either Dr. Minnis and his team demonstrate by swift action that they have what it takes to be agents of the change the electorate demanded on May 10, 2017' for the betterment of our country and people or the electorate will get rid of them in record time.

Seaman 6 years, 6 months ago

I am told that in Green Turtle Cay the FNM Generals have asked the Governmennt and their MP to have the owner of a sunken barge (100ft) that is next to the Green Turtle Club, and second home residents to remove this eyesore and envirmental disaster waiting to happen........it was a campaign promise to the them people....one year later.....same shit ....barge still there. These people raised over $6000 dollars to help their candidate during election. This barge is owned by a foreigner....who funded the former MP ...and now it looks like he has hooked the FNM as well.This foreigner was promised 10 acres of crown land ...set aside for the people of Green Turtle Cay in return for several hundred thousand dollars he claims he gave to former MPs He now appears to be using a high ranking General from the South Abaco FNM Committee who can talk to the top dogs to get this 10 acres of crown land for him. To the FNM.....what is done in the dark....will come to light..Do your job and make this man move this pile of trash..or suffer the consequences .

Regardless 6 years, 6 months ago

....very difficult to right the ship when paradise has been squandered for over four decades. The days of expecting tings or natural entitlement are gone.

bogart 6 years, 6 months ago

Mr Millie says "There is a mortgage crises going on"....."You'd be surprised to know who cannot meet their mortgage demands..."

Excellent work sir. The govt already knows of over zeslous loan loan officers giving out loans smd the predatory practices of the banks.

Just like a pilot, doctor the loan officers have a duty ofdue care to ensure that the client can successfully get from point a to z. All 4000 mortgage accounts involving thousands more Bahamians cannot all be wrong!!

There are a number of companies now formed to examine defaulted mortgages and have been successful in showing many mortgages were done wothout due care or negligence and had little chance of success. Banks have now changed their application process.

stillwaters 6 years, 6 months ago

And by the way, exactly what is Vaughn doing for his constituency?

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