What’s in a name?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A name is a very serious thing!

I would like to say a sincere ‘thank you’ to whomsoever made the decision to remove the revered name of “Junkanoo” from the middle of “Bahamas Carnival”. Now our proud centuries-old tradition is back in its rightful place!

Secondly, and in the same vein, I would like to strongly entreat the Bahamian public (particularly politicians and the media) to treat our proud nomenclature of “Over-the-Hill” with the deep respect it deserves and not besmirch this rich heritage by referring to it as the ‘inner city” – another foreign abomination which has no place within our proud history.

Unfortunately, persons use these names without thinking of the serious damage they can do, and before you know it, they become that self fulfilling prophecy we do NOT want!

I commend and support the Prime Minister for making bold steps to lead us back once again towards that other extremely important name of “Community” by inculcating those values which defined us as a people.

Let’s “be who we is, and not who we ain’t” by using those names we can lay claim to as our own – names that were a positive reflection of who we were, who we wanted to be, and the roads we were prepared to take to get us there!



May 3, 2018.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

Excellent observation ....... Over The Hill was created for and by Freed Africans ....... no slavery ever existed in that part of town ....... Whereas Junkanoo came out of the belly of Slavery ..... a triumph of the indomitable African spirit ....... Both epitomize what we are as Afro-Bahamians.

hrysippus 6 years, 4 months ago

Sheeptrimmer, I think you will find that Grants Town was established by the colonial authorities for freed slaves but not absolutely sure of this. Mr. Bain owned the land that is now named after him and sold inexpensive lots to many free citizens. I don't know what complexion he was.

UserOne 6 years, 4 months ago

Excellent letter. Like Ms. Burnside, I also commend the Prime Minister for his wisdom in steering people back to community which is really the heart of the Bahamian people.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

Ever heard of gentrification????? ....... What happened to the TWO generations of Bahamians who left Over The Hill since 1967?????? Where do they fit into this project now??????? ....... Are they welcomed back??????

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