Gibson the millionaire

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE news of the Free National Movement (FNM) administration’s agreement to fund $10,000 towards former Labour and National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson’s medical bills is not sitting well with many rank-and-file FNM supporters, some of whom have demonstrated unconditional loyalty to the governing party for years.

Whatever the nature of Mr Gibson’s ailment is, the writer wishes him a speedy recovery. He has served the country as a Cabinet minister in the two Christie administrations. I hope the readership will not misconstrue FNMs disapproval of the Minnis administration’s kind gesture towards the former Golden Gates MP as disgruntled FNMs being callous. Their disapproval must be given some perspective.

In April of 2017, Gibson declared his net worth to be a hefty $1.4m. His total assets were valued at $1.8m, with an income listed at $315,000. Gibson declared that he had $12,656 in his savings and pension accounts, $11,026 in his current account and $217,753 in his securities. His security income was pegged at $146,400 and his real estate income was listed at $51,600. Based on Gibson’s financial declaration which was submitted to the Parliamentary Registration Department, he is a millionaire. Gibson not having private health insurance coverage isn’t unique. Most Bahamians don’t have this luxury because they simply cannot afford it. That is why when you drive throughout New Providence during the weekends you would encounter cookouts on the various beaches with Bahamians trying to raise funds for the medical bills of loved ones. That is why many Bahamians of ailing loved ones resort to holding cake raffles.

Unlike Mr Gibson, these people aren’t millionaires. At least Gibson, based on his financial declaration, is in the financial position to buy medical insurance. That Gibson is uninsured tells me he had no interest in purchasing medical insurance. He certainly has the means of getting one.

Many Bahamians don’t have that option. And that is why so many rank-and-file FNMs are up in arms. This at a time when the Bahamas Nurses Union and Bahamas Union of Teachers are agitating for more money. I can appreciate the fact that the “cupboards were bare” when the FNM took office last May. Many of the demands of the foregoing unions may have to be put on hold, due to the lack of funding in the already overburdened Treasury. The National Debt now stands at $8 billion. Finance Minister K Peter Turnquest is having to make chicken salad out of chicken dung. The FNM administration is pinching pennies as it steers the economy in a most challenging environment. No one begrudges Turnquest. This economy will only go as far as he takes it.

The FNM has already taken austerity measures by terminating hundreds of Bahamians from the overstaffed civil service, amid talks of more terminations to come. At times it looks like it is only the small man who feels the brunt of these austerity exercises while wealthy politicians continue to receive government largesse.

I am just a messenger conveying to the Minnis government what I am hearing on the grounds, so don’t shoot the messenger. FNMs wish Gibson well. But they believe it sends the wrong message that the Minnis administration is paying $10,000 towards the medical bills of a wealthy politician. I don’t know how the FNM can defend this but I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that it is making a prudent decision with taxpayers’ money.



Grand Bahama,

May 8, 2018


sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

Shame Gibson is suffering for his wicked deeds done to this nation ...... God don't sleep nor slumber.

joeblow 6 years, 4 months ago

Even if he were not a millionaire, what qualifies him specifically to receive government assistance for his medical concerns at the taxpayers expense?

Does he not receive a pension from government as well for serving more than two terms as an MP?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

MP pension, Cabinet Minister pension, NIB pension ........ and kickbacks

Sickened 6 years, 4 months ago

He chose not to get health insurance and who knew that if he had medical expenses then he would have to sit in line like the rest of us and pony up the necessary funds. Shame Gibson you won't get any sadness from me.

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