Follow the process

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It seems some people wish to avoid due legal process in this issue of Lighthouse Point-Eleuthera.

Least we forget this private property - 700 acres - had obtained town planning approvals for a mega mixed quite high density development which was cancelled.

The property was put on the market - either Disney have an option to purchase or have subject to approvals. It would seem Disney is in that process.

It is exceptionally important to note the property had town planning approval and there was not a squeak out of anyone including the BNT or the environmentalists.

Process has to happen. Disney’s application must be given its time - public hearing, EIA, economic and social studies and a decision.

After that, BNT, and the Eleuthera Foundation can make a move if they wish and their process will start.

BNT’s issue contradicts seemingly Town Planning and the zoning Town Planning gave the site so that has to be reversed if BNT’s way can be swayed.

The environmental commentator - has she ever visited Disney’s other island? Does she know from first hand that very few Bahamians work on the cay?



September 25, 2018.


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