POLICE were called to the scene of a massive fire at John Chea #8 on Carmichael Road yesterday.
Chief Superintendent Walter Evans, director of Police Fire Services, said police got the call shortly before 11am and responding officers met a massive blaze emanating from the rear of the food store.
CSP Evans said all available units in New Providence were called as well as a truck from the airport Crash and Rescue Department. Police closed a portion of Carmichael Road from Gladstone Road to Golden Isles Road, as they fought the blaze and also asked Bahamas Power and Light to turn off the power supply in the area as well.
Two women were taken to hospital as a result of the fire.
“During operation, we knew that two ladies were transported to the hospital for smoke inhalation,” CSP Evans said. “We are not sure whether they are employees but there were in a conscious state when transported to hospital.”
In addition to windy conditions aiding the spread of the fire, police firetrucks had to go to nearby fire hydrants to replenish their water supply, CSP Evans said.
He was asked if a lack of water hindered fire fighting efforts.
“Water had to be trucked here, each one of the trucks that arrived here, they came trucked with water and one can imagine in an operation such as this, this requires a significant amount of water far beyond what one truck, two trucks, three, four, five will carry.
“Water has not been a major challenge, it has just been the process by which we have had to manually truck the water. .. and we had a home on the side we had to protect, on the northwestern side and business in the southeastern area.. all of these were exposures here today.”
CSP Evans said it was too early to say what caused yesterday’s blaze.
When asked if the Fire Services had manpower issues, he said there is always a demand for more human resources, adding a group of firefighters are being trained right now.
He said the group of 34 should finish training in the next two months, which will augment Police Fire Services.
boopboop 6 years, 4 months ago
Dear Government,
Please purchase a ladder fire truck that elevates in the air about 100 ft. It is difficult to extinguish a fire from the ground with flames coming from the roof of a high building and standing on the ground. The only thing you can wet is the boxing. There are many other taller buildings in Nassau. And please buy more air tanks for the firemen video footage shows a few of them fading away in smoke but with no air tanks. Cancer is already a serious problem in the Bahamas and these men/women are too exposed. 2018 fire engines shouldn't have to be running back and forth for water. Get vehicles that only hold water, at least 4 or 5 thousand gallons. Off duty firemen cannot make it anywhere soon enough in Nassau to be of assistance especially on a big weekday morning. Recruit more firemen.
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