Sorry, but no, Mr Lloyd

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Congrats Minister of Education on developing courses to teach the youngest and up all about alcohol - drugs etc…unfortunately the parents-guardians can’t as a high percentage use on a regular basis.

Sorry, Minister, because someone breaks the Law - possession of marijuana is breaking the Law I make no excuses you broke the Law and you should be punished couldn’t care less you prejudicing the rest of your life or going to the US – you broke the Law.

Even if The Bahamas decriminalises marijuana and the possession of small amounts as the sun rose this morning in the east when you apply to the US Embassy for a Visa you will be asked a simple question….Have you ever used narcotic drugs? Have you ever been arrested and charged for possession of drugs? You lie brother you will prejudice you ever trying to get a Visa.

The US has access to the Bahamas Criminal Records that is how you can travel on a Police Certificate if you didn’t know…the eve when any liberalisation of possessing of drugs, etc, or a past criminal record the US will have your record.

No, Minister Lloyd, surprised you seem to have become a liberal!



December 19, 2019.


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