Pride march is a horrible idea

EDITOR, The Tribune

I just read in today’s edition of your newspaper, that the Bahamas’ very own LGBTI community is actually planning to stage a pride parade, sometime next year. Personally, I think this is an unbelievably bad, if not, horrible idea that will undoubtedly lead to problems, including possible violence.

For the record, I am not homophobic or “anti - gay” in anyway, shape, or form, and have absolutely nothing against LGBTI people. Who people choose to love and spend their lives with is nobody’s business, as long as they’re not messing with children and/or animals. There are far worse people out in this world doing far worse things that we simply just ignore or sweep under the rug. But, seriously, there is an extremely valid reason why I am completely against the very idea of a LGBTI pride parade being held in the Bahamas, and the people who are actively planning said event really ought to know better.

The Bahamas is one of the most virulently homophobic nations on planet Earth; a truly horrendous place to live if you are LGBTI. If there exists an actual list of the most anti-gay nations in the world, I am certain the Bahamas would be in the top 10. Bahamians hate, loathe, despise, revile, and absolutely detest gays, and we’re “proud” of it, too. This homophobia was put on display for the entire world to see years ago, when a so-called “gay cruise ship”, hosted by Hollywood celebrity and well known lesbian, Rosie O’ Donnell, came to the Bahamas while on an around the world tour. Upon arriving to this country, they were met with an extremely hostile crowd, with the country’s many religious leaders spearheading the protests and demonstrations. There were many people, with pure anger on their faces, carrying posters and placards with many homophobic messages on them. There were religious figures armed with bullhorns, literally shouting condemnation and judgment at said ship and anyone who was deemed “immoral”. It was a spectacle that only served to cast the Bahamas in a negative light to the international world.

To the LGBTI community leaders planning this pride parade, I implore you not to even attempt to go ahead with this. If pride parades held within America, where same-sex marriage and relationships are allowed, is met with opposition and hostility from conservatives and right wing, how do you think Bahamians, who are extremely conservative, would react? Have you forgotten the Gender Equality Referendum, and the immense controversy it created? Have you forgotten the time they attempted to show Brokeback Mountain, a film about a romantic relationship between two cowboys, and the movies, and how both the general public and Bahamas Christian Council reacted? The Buji Banton concert, and the “Boom Bye Bye” song controversy? These are just small examples of the rampant homophobia that exists in this country. Also, I’m quite sure no Prime Minister or MP wants to be seen as the one who gave the green light to a gay pride parade, lest he or she lose out in the next election. There’s already far too much violence in this country. A LGBTI pride parade in this country will only make matters even worse.



July 9, 2019


Chucky 5 years, 2 months ago

I get the writers position.

I think that a pride parade will start to breakdown barriers for these people.

After some time, likely years, people may develop to Tolerance if not acceptance.

Admittedly, I’m one of those people, while not homophobic, I don’t believe in pride parades or public organized events celebrating sexual orientations, especially not alternative orientations.

If you are one of the ones affected, good luck to you, but I don’t want to see you prancing down the street. Straight people don’t have a parade, why do you need one.

I think the world is on a slippery slope with this movement. L&G is one thing, but to be in a body of one gender and claim to feel like a member of another sex, or fluid gender etc is clearly delusional. To support this, is to deny these people help that they need. I.e. If your born with male genitalia and you feel like a woman, sorry, but by definition there is something wrong with you. And you need help , and it’s not surgical help.

joeblow 5 years, 2 months ago

I wish Bahamians could have a taking pride in being honest, hardworking, responsible and faithful to your partner parade. But that may be asking too much!

JackArawak 5 years, 2 months ago

If you're against a pride parade, you're anti gay. Just be honest with yourself.

joeblow 5 years, 2 months ago

... because there are no other possible reasons, right??

Sickened 5 years, 2 months ago

Being gay is like being religious; just keep it to yourself because I'm not interested. I don't go around telling people I'm straight and I'm proud.

aprettyflowers@aol.com 5 years ago

Very interesting how the hurricane , devaste the bahamas and it stays over them and did not move , especially freeport where they had plan to have the gay parade. Its just a matter of time before we all pay for our sins , the lord shall not be mock we reap what we sow.

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