Deputy Chief Reporter
TWO weeks after revelations that a company with ties to Brent Symonette’s family was awarded a contract to upgrade runways at Lynden Pindling International Airport, the St Anne’s MP resigned from his substantive Cabinet position.
It is not clear whether this situation factored into his resignation from the post of minister of financial services, trade and industry and immigration. It was not immediately known if he voluntarily left the post or was asked to resign by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. Mr Symonette will remain member of Parliament for the St Anne’s constituency.
As a result, Yamacraw MP Elsworth Johnson, the most recent state legal affairs minister, is set to take over this substantive Cabinet portfolio. The change comes into effect today. The Tribune understands, according to a well-placed source, there may be another shuffle in Cabinet later in the term.
Mr Symonette could not be reached yesterday for comment.
The government yesterday afternoon issued a brief statement, which confirmed the resignation. It noted: “It is notified for general information that Brent Symonette has tendered his resignation as minister of financial services, trade and industry and immigration, with effect from July 1, 2019.
“Elsworth Johnson will assume portfolio responsibility for the Ministry of Financial Services, Trade and Industry and Immigration with effect from July 1, 2019.”
This was followed by a statement from Dr Minnis who thanked Mr Symonette for his service over many years.
Dr Minnis noted: “While he will no longer serve in Cabinet, his constituents in St Anne’s will continue to have an MP who cares about them. I wish Mr Symonette all the best in his future endeavours.”
Dr Minnis said he was confident that Mr Johnson will serve the country well in his new capacity.
When faced with questions about Bahamas Hot Mix getting government contracts in 2009, Mr Symonette explained that his children’s trust may have a small investment in the company, but he did not. At the time, Mr Symonette, who was a Cabinet minister in the Ingraham administration, said he played absolutely no part in any of the competitive processes or negotiations of contracts related to BHM.
In response to the news, Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said this will do nothing to resolve the perceived conflicts of interests in the government, adding the resignation decision was long overdue.
“The PLP welcomes the resignation of Brent Symonette from the government,” Mr Davis said yesterday. “It is long overdue. He is emblematic of conflict of interest and self-dealing in the government. There are others who need to follow him.
“Unfortunately for him and Prime Minister Minnis, the conflicts will not be resolved by simply stepping away from the government, he will remain in the House and will continue to be an influence on the body politic. Further, there must be a complete and thorough investigation and report of all that Mr Symonette has accumulated since his latest foray into the government and whether he can account to the Bahamian people on the issue of self-dealing.”
He continued: “We call on the country not to be distracted by this resignation because the light now shines fully on the prime minister who led a government full of self-dealing and conflicts of interest.”
The situation has also dredged up memories of Mr Symonette’s 2001 resignation as chairman of the Airport Authority during the second Free National Movement administration.
Then-Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham asked Mr Symonette to resign from the post after it was revealed the latter had awarded BHM a contract to carry out paving operations at the Lynden Pindling International Airport without approval from the board of directors.
According to previous reports, Mr Symonette later explained that he had done so because the matter was urgent and not enough board members were on the island to form a quorum at the time.
When the board did meet again, it approved Mr Symonette’s decision, the Nassau Guardian previously reported.
Opposition allegations of conflicts of interest were renewed in June when BHM beat five other companies for the rehabilitation work to Runway 09/27 and Taxiway India at LPIA.
The Nassau Airport Development Company stated the capital project was valued at just under $20m.
According to NAD, the request for tenders (RFT) for asphalt paving services was initiated in April and was sent to four international and two Bahamian firms.
The contract’s award angered many as it marked the second time since the Minnis administration took office that an entity with ties to the MP was receiving a substantial contract.
The government is now renting Town Centre Mall at a cost of around $900,000 per year to house the General Post Office. The building is partly owned by Mr Symonette.
The government is renting 75,000 square feet of space in the mall at a cost of $12 per square foot, which worked out to be around $4.5m over the five-year life span of the lease.
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 8 months ago
This tells us exactly where financial services is headed. Say who will be leading EU negotiations team? On the bright side he didn't put Emmanuel there...700, 7 millions..7, 7, 7 hundred millions. ...
mandela 5 years, 8 months ago
Well, the man done get a great portion $$$$ of what he came back to get, so what you all expect, haaa, I knew it, it just happened a bit sooner and before he could get more.
tell_it_like_it_is 5 years, 8 months ago
As I have always said, good riddins BS!
When I spoke about conflict of interest last time the Tribune removed my comment. Is he in cahoots with the Tribune too?
Lets see what y'all do today Tribune242... if y'all can't handle the truth, you are not in the right business!!!! smh
Giordano 5 years, 8 months ago
Oh my God!. Something went wrong,and still lack of transparency continue camping in this current administration. An official explanation must be given by this PM in order to show decency ,appreciation,respect and adds some kind of value to the dignity of the people including the ones who voted FNM so to avoid speculation. I knew that the famous Dr. Hubert Minnis' Pledge of not exposing the wrongdoing by/ and among members of cabinet without complying his protocols,was going to collide with recipients of high integrity individuals like Mr.Brent Symonette,one of a few who came to serve the people rather than serving himself. He is not known by having sticky fingers or hungry for money from the public pulse because he came to the public services already with his own private fortune. This PM needs to give a clear,credible explanations about the reasons of Mr. Summer's resignation. The leader of the opposition should play his duties and claim such credible explanation without any complicity.
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 8 months ago
You only have to wait about a year or two to see who donated to which campaign. Christie legalized gaming and allowed Nygard to set up some "stem" cell treatment facility.
So what's happened after Minnis was elected and before the transparency bill was enacted?
•Albany got approval to purchase South Ocean
•Holowesko was appointed to BEC board; Town planning; Theres a floating idea that they will be given all govt buildings under some share the wealth security scheme that wont share any wealth
•Brent got his dying town centre mall revived and renovated on the govt tab...And it is on the govt tab. He's in a good position such thst he can put up the money to renovate now and get paid later. Nonody renovates a commercial building if it doesn't pay off in the long run
•Kreuger almost got pristine land in Freeport...he's still waiting till the heat dies down
•CEB bill. Somebody gets to import cheap tech labour for their software company. They tried to cover by throwing in all kinds of weird industries but it was clear what the bill was about.
tell_it_like_it_is 5 years, 8 months ago
Whoever is doing the TomFoolery.... wrong is wrong!!!
It doesn't matter if the PLP, FNM, or ABC is doing crap... it should be dealt with.
I'm sooooo tired of the hypocrisy on all sides!
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 8 months ago
DDK 5 years, 8 months ago
.............and the man is just the wrong shade, there's no getting around that issue.
TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago
Even my inside source who witnessed this playing out cannot certainty dismiss early talk coup's head had be chopped off ....Minnis's days limited, yes, no...........Brent's not just lone cabinet minister who never bought into Minnis as party's sensible choice PM, yes, no.....
Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago
The Symonette family have a monopoly on hot mix asphalt in the Bahamas because of the ultra aggressive pricing they introduce whenever a potential competitor tries to establish a competing enterprise by taking market share away from them. This Symonette family monopoly will continue until the government decides that it's not in the country's interest to be held hostage to a provider of hot mix asphalt and related paving services controlled by a cabinet minister.
The $20 million NAD contract could have been used to seed the creation of a competitor with appropriate government support until the competitor reached the critical size necessary to compete on its own (head to head) with Bahamas Hot Mix.
Right now it's utterly disgraceful that the Minnis-led FNM government is aiding and abetting the existence of the Symonnette family monopoly notwithstanding the grave conflict of interest that exists by virtue of Brent Symonette being a cabinet minister. Of course Brent has no shame at all now that Minnis has anointed his deceased father (Pop Symonette) a national hero.
As if the Post Office conflict of interest was not enough of a slap in the face to right thinking Bahamian people by the Minnis-led FNM government. One can only begin to imagine the many conflicts of interest that Minnis must be supporting behind the scenes for the benefit of the political elite, their family members and their cronies a/k/a muck-a-mucks!
Free enterprise is not about a private sector monopoly controlled by a cabinet minister being rewarded with lucrative government contracts. That’s tantamount to using taxpayer dollars to reward a cabinet minister like Brent Symonette for his serious conflict of interest. The insinuation by some that the Symonette family is one of a very few Bahamian families capable of owning and operating a successful business (that enjoys a wealth of government contracts) is also alarming, and certainly is not true.
Minnis will not insist the $20 million NAD contract be taken away from Bahamas Hot Mix, even though there is good grounds for doing so. And that in and of itself is a problem involving Minnis's own character. As for Brent's resignation as a cabinet minister, good riddance!
observer2 5 years, 8 months ago
Well said Well_mudda_take_sic.
While the PLP/FNM are going about getting rid of the monopoly that HotMix has on asphalt here are some more monopolies to get rid of:
Arawak Port - 20 year monopoly on all shipments coming to Nassau.
BEC monopoly on the distribution of electricity by owning the electrical grid.
BEC on power generation
Focol on the importation of all gas, diesel and jet fuel into the Bahamas
Post office on the delivery of mail
Central Bank and the Bahamian dollar via exchange controls which don't allow Bahamian to invest abroad easily to get better pension returns and then forcing them to invest in the loosy cash strapped Cable/Alive bonds
Ministry of Education hold on all the schools. Pushing out a D average for all kids. Employers are complaining that the workers can't read and write and thats why there are 16,000 work permits in the country.
Water and Sewerage owning all the water generation and distribution in the Bahamas. Looosing money every year.
Bahamasair putting privately owned Bahamian transportation companies out of business.
I could go on and on. But what does it matter no one with any power is listening. They know exactly what needs to be done but they are scared to do it because they will be fired.
The issue with Brent is just a side show.
observer2 5 years, 8 months ago
Also throughout the Bahamian archipelago there are about 12 runways that need repaving at a cost of $3 to $5 million each. Hot Mix is well positioned through their political connections and predictory price to get all da contracts.
Brent must resigns so Minnis can payback the FNM/UBP and PLP shareholders. “It’s da 12 wealthy families time again”. Yinna black ppl wa travel? Den hush ya mout because we mout shut tight on why he resign. No needs to account for nuttin.
hrysippus 5 years, 8 months ago
WSC have the monopoly on water generation? You mussa not live on New Providence where Consolidated water has produced for the WSC for many years now. Also there are many companies who handle mail other than the GPO.
observer2 5 years, 8 months ago
Consolidated Water produces water for WSC 😂
licks2 5 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to the real world. . .WAP!
TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago
Only time tell if comrade PM Minnis may have just gone from the political stewed fish pot and right into it with news Brent gone, yes, no...........all whilst thousands amongst populaces are for first time encountering financial hardships, yes, no.........time rid colony of two political parties dishing up their similar switcharoo at getting their sets politicians be governing much same ways..........
sealice 5 years, 8 months ago
Conflict of interest Brave???
How come you give every paving job on an outisland to Porky with no bid process?? You even screwed over your few.. few... crooked Abaco peeps when you sent him up there dumb ars...... I heard Ricky ain't running PLP again either since you screwed the economy in Abaco so badly he had to get a job and move to Nassau - you can't even take care of your elected officials... what good are you?
joeblow 5 years, 8 months ago
So basically, Brent has made back his "contributions" to the FNM from the last election and probably enough the for upcoming election too. His resignation only creates the appearance of avoiding conflicts when he has already benefited from them! Great comedy material!
birdiestrachan 5 years, 8 months ago
He came to get his things. doc gave him his things. Mission accomplish. He moves on.
Doc even gave his father. the honors.
sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago
What should be done now is to expose every former and present dutty PLP Cabinet Member (and their PEPs) who has benefitted from Government contracts - while he/she was serving in Cabinet ........... Brave better have clean hands.
This requires a Commission of Inquiry right now!!!!!!
TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago
Well I since Thursday morning when news did reached me of a possible coup brewing I right then began reading through the annals of Colony Out Islands long parliamentary history to see which, if any, could've be a worst crown cabinet than this heartless bunch red shirts imperialists... conclusion - not single one of the many constituted comrade members crown - drew my hours reading attention, yes, no........
sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago
Who is financing the PLP??????? ................ or the FNM??????? ....... Follow the money!!!!!
That will answer all of these questions about who is getting what on the Government's tab.
birdiestrachan 5 years, 8 months ago
His Father was given the honor of a national hero. Was it doc who did it after instructions from Mr" Symonette,?? He is one who can say he got richer under the FNM government.
While the poor have been taxed beyond endurance from the doc who said he was against VAT. then he increased it 60% every time doc opens his mouth he LIES,
jujutreeclub 5 years, 8 months ago
All this mean is more contracts for hotmix. He is no longer a cabinet minister with no voting power and now no conflict of interest. This worked out in his favour. Brave those cant question him in the house now on contracts.
Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago
We only have Minnis to blame for all of the new conflict of interest situations involving his cabinet ministers and his 2017 election campaign supporters. And King Sebas Bastian of Lucky Charms is at the top of the list when it comes to money being used to 'buy' both corrupt politicians and regulators alike. King Sebas even 'buys' former politicians and regulators still able and willing to peddle their corrupting influence to the detriment of our country.
RedridingHood 5 years, 8 months ago
My people wake up these are not the real concerns. What you should be asking is is this $4.5 million we paying over 5 years for the Post Office including in the over $8 Billion dept? Yes billion with a B. There is a little more than 410k in our entire population according to census(once ya breathing ya counted) do the math. This my fellow Bahamians is a REAL problem because I'm still waiting to see the "invoice". Dont mind the smoke.
John 5 years, 8 months ago
The damage already done, the contracts done signed, the money done gone. The resignation is just a matter of ‘until we meet again ‘. Y’all get juice!
RedridingHood 5 years, 8 months ago
My people wake up these are not the real concerns. What you should be asking is is this $4.5 million we paying over 5 years for the Post Office including in the over $8 Billion dept? Yes billion with a B. There is a little more than 410k in our entire population according to census(once ya breathing ya counted) do the math. This, my fellow Bahamians , is a REAL problem because we have yet to see the "invoices" on this bill and now they want to add more.#notmindingthesmoke
proudloudandfnm 5 years, 8 months ago
Brent Symonette has absolutely zero conflict of interest issues. His only problem is he is a rich, white man so naturally that makes him the bad guy.....
Thank you for your service sir, you didn't have to do it, didn't need to do it. You did it for country. A true patriot.....
CatIslandBoy 5 years, 8 months ago
Wow! Someone with a bit of reasoning that makes sense.The facts do speak for themselves, and no amount of petty jealousy can change that. Mr. Symonette does not need the money, but the Bahamians who work for his company certainly do, and the country who benefits from the superb work that his company does certainly do. Thank you Mr. Brent Symonette.
sucteeth 5 years, 8 months ago
Finally someone with brains.. why is it that if you are white have money you are a bad guy.. he had enough of the bs and moved on. his rent he charges for the post office is below market. bhm is a credible company run properly by foreigners that get the job done right the first time with little overages .. he dedicated his time for the country to better it not to line his pockets like many others.. time to get rid of the numbers boys!!
licks2 5 years, 8 months ago
Hey! What I is? Chopped liver? Don't mix me up with that buncha petty jealousy. . .they know there is no conflict of interests in what went on with Mr. Symonette. . . you shudda say two persons around here. . .I am one of them persons who think that Mr. Symonette should not take time to answer these stupid comments!! I would go buy myself a big "gerlunki" yacht and name her "DUMB BAHA MAR" . . .sail all over this nation and chill!!
realfreethinker 5 years, 8 months ago
Well said proudloud. Some civility to the stupid debate.
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 8 months ago
I don't believe this is so innocent. It's not like this is his first time in and he never encountered this controversy before. He is an intelligent man. Only four of them in the cabinet. And to say hes generous with his money so he must be good...drug dealers do that too because what they give away is pittance to what they get. Ive heard tell that Brave Davis is also extremely generous. Why would Symonette do this not once, not twice but 3 times? Doesnt make sense. Not after he back Loretta. Or maybe the money people say they wasn't giving Minnis any money unless Brent was there to look after it. Only God knows. But this don't make no sense. So follow the dollars.
concernedcitizen 5 years, 8 months ago
At least w the FNM we get things , the airport , airports in the family islands, the port which any Bahamian could of bought shares in for as little as 500 dollars , the roads , dredging the cruise port etc etc .Under the PLP from 2012 to 2017 we got no major or even minor infastructure project ,,unless you call about 500million walking out the front door of BOB a project lmao
ThisIsOurs 5 years, 8 months ago
God save our financial industry.. first ministry of finance now this.
birdiestrachan 5 years, 8 months ago
The FNM; have spoken Proud FNM and cat Island Boy. Symonette could not care less..All he cares about is himself. and his family and how rich they can get.
Note he did not resign until he had all of the contracts.
I suppose the FNM's who have written here also believe it is all right to quite poor people property and call it small things,
TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago
Begins lie, how comrade Brent on he self just called up PM share on phone how he decided he self to resign from Minnis's cabinet, yes, no......... How quickly PM relegates Brent to status - while Brent will no longer serve in Cabinet, his constituents in St Anne’s will continue to have an MP who cares about them. I wish Mr. Symonette all the best in his future endeavors..........sounds like PM's departing words Centerville MP Reece, yes, no........warning all other ministers what awaits them around corner cause just imagine what PM will do you bunch with no $650 million in ya bank accounts, yes, no........... All the Erica's up in PM office can deny till damn cows come home that Brent was not thrown off red shirts dock, yes, no.........
truetruebahamian 5 years, 8 months ago
Brent is a good man and has done much for the Bahamas. He isn't in it for the money, and doesn't have any direct association with the running of or the ownership of Bahamas Hot Mix. Owner, Mr. Myers I am sure would confirm that. Brent is a subject of a witch hunt made by ignorant fools who rant and rave at skewed perceptions. They hate themselves and cast that blame on others who are actually contributing and workind for the public benefit. But then again these detractors are stupid and block headed, so no amount of self realisation will penetrate their thick hateful skulls.
sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago
The Symonettes and other of their (white) ilk have lots of Bootlegging money and the alcohol vice on their hands ......... Just like the drug era dealers and now the human cargo smugglers and the webshop cartel ....... There are very few honorable businessmen in this country .... bloody hands and seared consciences ......... Ultimately, these vices are all controlled beyond our borders.
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