Mother in search for her son


Gerald Grey has been missing since October.


MARIA Curtis is desperately searching for her 20-year-old son, who she said has been missing for nearly five months.

Ms Curtis said she hasn’t seen or heard from Gerald Grey since October 10, 2018. Grey, who was charged with armed robbery and was wearing an electronic ankle monitor, has been missing since October 10, 2018.

“All I know is I left him home that Wednesday on the 10th cleaning his car. I asked him ‘Gerald, are you not going to work today?’ He said, ‘mommy the ramp dead, but I might go later.’ I was dressed for work, shift 4 to 12, and that’s it,” she told The Tribune during a recent interview.

The mother-of-two said she is stressed out and expressed her concern for the well-being of her son.

“Miss, how you mean how I feel – that’s my baby…I does be off the chain bad. I didn’t go back to work…for four weeks I was home. I was (doing) bad, my eyes had big black bags under it. (I had bad headaches) and I had to go on pressure tablets.

“All I do is lay down and think because I don’t know what to say or what happen…I don’t know. I don’t know if he’s in the water or if he came off the water. Nothing, nothing, nothing, every day I be thinking… if it wasn’t for my sisters to make me get ready and carry me out, I would be right in my bed slunking (sic)."

Ms Curtis said the following day she asked his friends about his whereabouts and why none of them tried looking for him.

“Every afternoon Gerald goes on the (fish) ramp, he comes home in a truck full of his friends. They would hang out in my yard Friday and Saturday when they knock off. All off a sudden, no one is come in the yard…from the 10th of October no one hang up in the yard.

“I went to his (friends) and ask, ‘if all of y’all does come back on the truck, why didn’t Gerald come with y’all that afternoon?’”

She said she was later told her son was spotted on a Jet Ski at Cabbage Beach.

“(My sisters and I) went over Cabbage Beach and the boys there told me they saw him and said he left to go back to the ramp… so I said to myself well how far is Cabbage Beach from Montagu ramp? Even the vendors said they saw him on the Jet Ski."

The distressed mother expressed her disappointment at police efforts to find her missing son.

“I haven’t heard anything from nobody, CDU... nobody. If I don’t call, they don’t call me. I (last) called them in December and look like they trying to let me do the investigating so if you want me do all of the investigating... I might as well don’t call and tell (them) nothing.

“They haven’t even tried to (locate) the Jet Ski owner. My son doesn’t own a Jet Ski. That Jet Ski probably worth thousands of dollars and if the Jet Ski (wasn’t returned) … you don’t think the (owner) would report it missing?”

When contacted, a senior police officer said he was familiar with the mother's claims, but did not comment on the investigation up to press time.


John 5 years, 7 months ago

Five months! If you’re alive and have freedom to do so, the one person a Bahamian will call is their mother. October was when the weather was really bad on the seas.

rawbahamian 5 years, 7 months ago

He has been missing for 5months and his "friends" have not been back since that day, hmmmm. This is NOT rocket science ! If his friends have not been there since he vanished then guess what ???

joeblow 5 years, 6 months ago

Why does the Tribune even print these kinds of one sided stories with no investigative reporting? This is a police matter!

charlieboy 5 years, 6 months ago

They might want to help!

Think about it.

Dawes 5 years, 6 months ago

If he had an ankle bracelet on this should be easy to clear up. If they can't find him with it on, then the ankle bracelet system doesn't work. If they say it is not on then the system doesn't work as the police should have been all over this straight away. Hoping for good news for the mother.

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