Man shot dead on Mackey Street

Police remove the body from the scene on Mackey Street. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune staff

Police remove the body from the scene on Mackey Street. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune staff


POLICE are investigating the country’s latest homicide after a man was found dead at the junction of Mackey Street and Wilton Street Tuesday morning.

According to Chief Superintendent Solomon Cash, shortly before 11 am police received reports of gunshots.

At the scene, CSP Cash said: “The officers arrived on the scene they met the lifeless body of a male who were lying at the junction.

“The only information we are working with at this time is at the victim just came from a local establishment as a customer. As he was walking across the street, he was approached by a lone gunman who opened fire on him and shot him multiple times.

“As a result, EMS was called in, they examined the body and pronounced him dead on the scene.”

He added: “We are appealing to members of the public who live in this area or who also may have been customers of the establishments, if they have information to contact the police.”

CSP Cash could not say whether the suspect or victim are known to police at this time.

Regarding other crime matters, CSP Cash also told reporters police currently have suspects in custody relating to recent homicides from the Fox Hill and the Nassau Village area.

He said: "We have one suspect in custody currently he is assisting the police investigation. Before day’s end, we should be releasing information relative to a second suspect and a flyer should be provided for the media.

"Additionally, the matter in the Nassau Village area, we have three suspects in custody and currently there is a person of interest, we are probing them further to see if they had any involvement in that matter."

When asked if the country is experiencing a peak in murders, CSP Cash said he wouldn't call it a peak despite the three killings in the capital since Sunday.

He said: "We are committed to what we do, preventing these incidents or minimising these incidents as we possibly can. We are working with persons or perpetrators who are hell bend in carrying out their intents. None of us know the intent of any human being but once we unravel what happened then we will go after all the persons who we suspect to be concerned with all these incidents.

"Again, we always appeal to members of the public if they know of anyone who have any differences in their communities give (that) information to the police so we can work with that information and prevent incidents like this. "

Based on The Tribune’s records this is the country’s 16th murder for the year.

Anyone with information is asked to call police at 919, 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers at 328-TIPS.


TalRussell 5 years, 11 months ago

Yes, yes and yes just listen way the comrade Chief Superintendent Solomon sidetracks when asked if the Colony of Out Islands, be's experiencing a peak in Homicides? The once much safer escape to Out Island Grand Bahamaland with but a population of 52,300, have done recorded their 15th Homicide for 2019, yes, no, and they done have fully staffed prime minster's office in full operational mode

rawbahamian 5 years, 11 months ago

Just for giggles Tal Russel, please tell us what the Prime Minister has to do with the recent spate of murders because I am certain you have all of us confused with that stupid, juvenile, non sensical, childish post. Please explain so we can delve into the idiocy of your posted statement !!!

TalRussell 5 years, 11 months ago

Yes, yes and yes indeed, let's giggly flash back to month June 2016 when then red shirts opposition leader comrade Minnis had questioned PLP minister Obadiah's blame thought process... "Why should everyone else (but PLP's) be blamed for the PLP’s failure to fix the murders," Minnis asked of Obadiah, yes, no.... no need make this up, true?

joeblow 5 years, 11 months ago

Don't worry, the police have everything under control as they always do! No need to panic!

TigerB 5 years, 11 months ago

From where I sit, seems the murder count is 15 or 16 or there about. let's say it holds til month end then Divide that by 3 months and you have 5 per month, times that by 12 and you get just over 60 in projection.... do that math, its not as bad as it seems, last year was 91. Government should be praise, sorry I mean the police . That is pretty low. We have seen worst in both previous administrations. When I was in the job we was happy with 8 and 9 a month which worked out to be 96 (8) and 108 (9)... all about the numbers. We can't stop killings, no one can.

bogart 5 years, 11 months ago

IT IS ALARMING.....da we da low educated ghetto jonsers can see da modus operandi......das like methodology....technique....style....SEENS TARGETED VICTIM....bin at calculated site...planned precise encounter.....remember previous encounter dat the girl also killed... bystander ......at seems planned escape.....REPEATED crime needin not suppression perpetual catchin an lockin up........GOVERNAMCE needs to be focused into solutions.......da cowboy justice?...vengence?....hit man ?...money?.....poverty?......more VAT taxes worsens pore earning $210.weekly minimum wage unchanged years.....no opportunities?...peer pressures?....?.gangs?....different increasing alien units....fractured family unit....single mother...several chillrens..no pa....different pa's..outside ...gambling addiction?...petty tiefing much as tiefing clothes fron da clothes line...sub human housing...jus like ghetto...jus like prison?.....lowering crime can happen...!!!!

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