Well done, my child, well done indeed

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Preston, our fallen Priest, most highly esteemed! May the Good Lord be with you!

Throughout the trajectory of your life, some way, somehow, you knew

That, like Jeremiah, you were chosen from your humble station to rise above - and soar!

Like Daniel, you were tested. You passed. You overcame. You left an open door

For so many who came behind, who through you saw traits of Christ right here on earth;

A blazing path prepared for you from the moment of your birth.

You inspired so many with your homilies about the richness of God’s grace;

Because of you, many a sinner now seeks to see God’s face.

With shoulder to the plow, you endured, Preston; when in pain, you looked above. Your time has come to see the Spirit fully revealed - God’s arms opened up in love.

You faithfully carried the mantle of your priesthood in such a gentle, humble way

Elevated though you were, you wanted even the least among us to be allowed to have their “say”.

Your time, your talents and your treasure, you offered up as First Fruits to the Lord;

You stood up against all manner of ill with flint-like faith in God.

If you find yourself hesitating - like Isaiah or like Peter did - please do not be afraid;

There is a glowing ember just waiting to touch your lips; it is in the fire laid!

Just cry out to God for mercy; the cherubim would bring it to our lips with grace

So that you may abide forever, in ultimate joy, within that Holy Place!

Though sick, though tired, you disdained self-pity. Give up? You never would! You understood that this day would come; you prepared as best you could.

We offer you back to God who made you, Preston; we uphold your sacrifice; Giving and serving, serving and giving, they defined your very life!

May God who made you, accept you home, Preston; for you served his only Son!

May he say to you with mercy and compassion: “Well done, my child! Well done!”



March 14, 2019


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