Police say death of 15-year-old likely to be gang-related


Perry Rolle Jr, a 15-year-old from TA Thompson Junior High School.


Tribune Staff Reporter


WAILS pierced the air of TA Thompson Junior High School as students uncontrollably wept in response to the murder of their classmate, 15-year-old Perry Rolle Jr, at the hands of a 16-year-old student at neighbouring CC Sweeting High School.

During a press conference held at TA Thompson yesterday morning, Education Minister Jeff Lloyd described the students as “traumatised” and also noted that there appears to be a “social dissonance” circulating in the small area comprising TG Glover Primary School, TA Thompson, and CC Sweeting. However, Mr Lloyd reiterated that school campuses are safe environments.

Police told The Tribune last night they are investigating the incident as being gang-related.

Joan Gray, principal of CC Sweeting, noted this is a difficult time for the schools involved as they are “intertwined”, both in terms of instruction and the fact that there are relatives who attend both schools.

Rolle was stabbed multiple times during an altercation with two high school students on Tuesday afternoon after school outside the premises of TG Glover.

Mr Lloyd provided further information during an address in parliament yesterday. “At approximately 3pm yesterday afternoon, a young man suffered his untimely demise,” Mr Lloyd began.

Mr Lloyd said Rolle was walking home in the Pitt Road area “when he was accosted by two young men who are students at the CC Sweeting school”.

“The two young men, one of which was in possession of a knife and handed the knife to the other young man and directed him to stab the victim, which the young man did several times about his body, one of which was his chest.

“The victim was taken to the hospital and succumbed to his wounds.”

Mr Lloyd added he was told by police that officers have two males, one 15-years-old and the other 16-years-old, in custody.

He also said police have advised him that they have been “dealing with challenges of gang violence within the community that houses the students of TG Glover, TA Thompson, and CC Sweeting.”

He added: “And that the students of these three schools live in the Bain Town or the Englerston (constituencies). And they have marshalled their resources to assist in the intervention of this most sordid circumstance in which our students find themselves.

“They are unable and were not willing, at the time of our conversation, Mr Speaker, to suggest or indicate that this incident may have been gang related. That investigation continues.”

Mr Lloyd also referred to his visit to TA Thompson, where he met with Rolle’s mother and other relatives and spoke to the students and staff of the school.

“What was particularly grieving and heartbreaking for me was I was directed and ushered into a room of students, about nine young men, and three young women, who were all crying uncontrollably and who were all witnesses of this most unfortunate tragedy. So uncontrollably and inconsolable that they were unable to speak to me or the counsellors who had gathered at that time. Young men and young women.”

Mr Lloyd added grief counsellors have been requested to provide support for the school for “as long as necessary”. He also said the police’s Family Liaison Unit is also providing support for the families of the victims and perpetrators.

During his press conference, Mr Lloyd said it is “unfair” that the nation’s youth must “negotiate a life that seems to be peppered with incidences of senseless acts of violence,” adding “this is a traumatising affair for us here in the Ministry of Education.”

“And I am advised that there seems to be a social dissonance that circulates particularly in this vicinity among the three schools that neighbour each other— TA Thompson, TG Glover, and CC Sweeting,” Mr Lloyd continued.

He went on to encourage all stakeholders, particularly parents, to engender a sense of “harmony and peace” in students. He also underscored the safety of campuses, noting this event is a “community misfortune”.

Speaking to reporters on the outskirts of an assembly at CC Sweeting, Ms Gray described this school’s reaction to the tragedy. “When we heard news yesterday of the incident, we were all very saddened and traumatised because it’s not something we would have been expecting.

“It is a difficult time for us, here at CC as well as TA Thompson, because our schools are intertwined, both professionally in terms of the instructional process because students from TA Thompson generally come over here. But also because there (are) family members at both schools who have been affected.”

Extending her condolences to Rolle’s family, Ms Gray added: “But for us also at CC, it is a difficult time because one of our very own, two allegedly, is accused of committing this fatal incident. And so we encourage all of you to just reach out and give support to all families. Because in the end both families have been tragically impacted.”


Giordano 5 years, 6 months ago

This is an episode seen every year in this land of so many Churches. Police said such incident may be a gang-related. Gang - related or not,it is a violent crime and must be approached from the standpoint of the "cause" . Juvenile gang must be tackled,precisely from the same schools with a contingency plan using some of the same students themselves as " Police Officers " inside the school campus. We do not need members of the RBPF inside the schools. We need them outside the schools in a good proportion, like 5 : 1 (This means,for every 5 citizens,one police officer is needed),and we need them everywhere even around and inside the bush to prevent the presence of "A popcorn lifeless human body". We really need real,professionals Police Officers without any display of "Big Belly and unsolicited bad advises from them". We already have enough of them,they need to wear a Santa Claus ' uniform and entertain the children in every public parks,then,as they honor the BMI ( Body Max Index) should be re-incorporated to normal,regular police Services with a clear scope of actions with it without the Royal Uniforms.

quietone 5 years, 6 months ago

Well Giordano, these serious school children behaviours put me in mind of what a retired school teacher told me about 12 years ago, ie, "Very soon, there will have to be an armed police in a classroom while a teacher teaches the class." Back then I felt shocked about what he said, but now it seems that he was right.

I think I have mentioned it before, ie, one of the main reasons we are always having so many problems in this country is that we take WAY too long to try and solve the problems. And that is why many of these problems become UNSOLVABLE! For a long time I have felt that our politicians should have serious brainstorming sessions and thereby find answers to all of these messy issues confronting us!

It brought tears to my eyes this morning when I heard the father of the student who was murdered speaking of the issues regarding his son's murder... an extremely serious situation, which may not be understood or felt by others who have not had a close family member murdered!

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