PM speaks to Prince Charles

Prime Minister speaks to Prince Charles.

Prime Minister speaks to Prince Charles.

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis spoke by phone with Prince Charles on Friday from his office at Cabinet, Churchill Building.

Prince Charles expressed how deeply the people of the United Kingdom are feeling for Bahamians during this time of tragedy in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, according to a press release from the Office of the Prime Minister.

Prince Charles and Dr Minnis also spoke about ways to rebuild storm-affected communities better and with resilience and long-term reconstruction.

“This call means so much to the Bahamian people. It shows the deep friendship between our two nations and that we are like family. The Royal Navy was here at the start and was able to bring in food and supplies almost immediately. Thank you for your strong support,” Dr Minnis said during the call.

Prince Charles is no stranger to the Bahamas having spent many holidays here with his grand uncle, Lord Mountbatten of Burma, as the house guest of the Columbus O’Donnells on East Hill Street, now known as Mountbatten House. Prince Charles has also stayed at Windemere in Eleuthera, where interior decorator David Hicks, Lord Moutbatten’s son-in-law, designed and built a family home.


TalRussell 5 years, 5 months ago

Selfie diplomacy: Prime minister on phone enjoying some regal chatting up HRH Charlie, we Colony of Out Islands, soon be King England ....  Hope PM, remembered ask HRH to pass on colony's populaces warmest regards to England's Queen-in-waiting, the adorable Camilla,, yes, no .... Just couldn't possibly make this up ....

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