Alphabet soup! Families given shopping day rota

By Leandra Rolle 


THE Office of the Prime Minister has announced that starting today, a food shopping schedule will come into effect for the entire country. The schedule has specified days for weekday shopping, but there is no mention of weekend dates.

“This measure is intended to reduce the number of people on the road and to reduce the number of people at grocery stores at any one time,” Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said last week when signalling the move would be introduced.

As a result, members of each household are asked to identify one person to carry out respective shopping duties. That person will be required to provide photo identification, OPM officials said yesterday.

Adults with a surname beginning with the letters A through F will be allowed to grocery shop on Mondays from 6am to noon, Wednesdays from 6am to noon and Thursdays from 1pm to 7pm.

Adults with surnames beginning with G through O will be allowed to shop on Mondays from 1pm to 7pm, Wednesdays from 1pm to 7pm and, Fridays from 6am to noon.

People whose last name begins with letters P through Z will be allowed to shop on Tuesdays from 1pm to 7pm, Fridays from 1pm to 7pm and Thursdays 6am to noon.

As it relates to senior citizens —those 60 and older — and persons with disabilities, OPM said special provisions have been made for them.

“Senior citizens and persons with disabilities may shop on Tuesdays from 6am to 12pm; however, persons in these categories may also choose to shop on the day assigned to their last name,” the statement added.

Social distancing must be adhered to during grocery shopping, the OPM added.

To date, there are 28 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country, with over 300 people in quarantine. Health officials have confirmed five COVID-19 deaths, with the latest case being renowned physician, Dr Judson Eneas.

To limit the further spread of the highly infectious disease, Dr Minnis on Friday announced additional COVID-19 prevention measures, including a complete two-day shutdown of all services, with limited exemptions, in the country, which ends 5am today.

Speaking at Friday’s press conference, he said: “There are still too many people on the road going out and about and unfortunately, some people are not taking this matter seriously. We have stepped up police enforcement including in hotspots.

“The physical distancing measures are critical in this fight so I say to you again, please I implore you, I beg you to stay at home. I repeat stay at home.”

Dr Minnis is expected to provide additional details on the national response to COVID-19 when the House of Assembly meets at 10am today.


Godson 4 years, 5 months ago

To align with the Governments effort to "limit the further spread of the highly infectious disease" an important and yet crucial fact to note is that if the COVID-19 virus is not already here in Long Island, the only vulnerable means by which it can come into Long Island is through the weekly mail boat services coming in to Long Island from Nassau. The crew members would have interacted with their families and communities in Nassau, albeit, to a limited extent.

I suggested to the Government, the Island's M.P. and the relevant Ministry to arrange to have the crew members of the mail boats tested for the COVID-19 virus before embarking on voyages to the Family Islands, in particular, Long Island.

Whether they would listen and take heed would be a serious matter for them if there is a consequential outbreak. Like the P.M. said, "hard head bird don't make good soup".

joeblow 4 years, 5 months ago

So since there will be long lines at all times, when should "essential workers" who get off after their allotted shopping time grocery shop?

shonkai 4 years, 5 months ago

Funny how there is a distinction between "Adults" with A-F and G-O and "People" with P-Z.

DDK 4 years, 5 months ago

I was just told there is to be a complete lockdown from this Wednesday until next Tuesday. Any truth?

TalRussell 4 years, 5 months ago

Hello, Elizabeth's Loyal Opposition, have you nothing constitutional say when prime minister takes it upon heself to use the Easter Sunday weekend to whiteout Saturday's and Sunday's from calendar colony of 700 out islands and cays?
Can't just make these loony tune calendar wipeout days, require government issue ID buy groceries, and you're only permitted shop by letters kinds stuff up. Just, can't. Nod once for yeah, twice for no?

mandela 4 years, 5 months ago

This should also be done with banking, pharmacies, gas stations the idea here is that every person or Adult who's last name falls with A-F for example,- must do all the things for the household that's essential, a designate person who is identified to carry out what has to be done on that particular day and time, in this way only persons with A-F should be out and moving about on streets (My 5 cents). My thing is Bahamians are out and about moving through as if COVID-19 is here to play games, COVID-19 is here to kill and destroy, kill persons, destroy lives. For the persons who feel that they are immune from catching this virus just remember a person can catch COVID-19, have mild symptoms and not even be aware, goes home and spread it amongst their Loved ones, if, their Loved ones has a weak immune symptom or health issues and catches COVID-19, they can die, and very quickly, isolated and alone, once a person goes into isolation there are no guarantees that. that Loved one will ever be seen again, no last time to say Good-bye. Bahamas let us comply, not complain The quicker we get this under control by following the rules and guidelines, the quicker we can then recover and bounce back.

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