COVID-19: One new confirmed case

THE total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has increased to 55 after officials confirmed one additional case on Friday.

This newly confirmed case is a 61-year old woman of New Providence with no history of travel. She is in hospital, officials said.

There have been 46 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the capital, seven in Grand Bahama, one confirmed case in Cat Cay and another in Bimini.

Health officials continue to follow the condition of the other new coronavirus patients.

Officials reminded individuals who have been advised to stay home in quarantine or isolation to follow this recommendation until the period ends.

They said following this advice is paramount to stopping the spread of COVID-19 in communities.


ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

The lockdown is not working We really have to stress that so they don't misuse data to impose even more draconian measures. No other country is reporting persons in quarantine as a statistic. They're either infected, hospitalized, deceased or recovered.

I see Carl Bethel talking about all these people in the street again. Well, they on the street because the country shutting down tomorrow. Unless you follow someone you probably see them for 2 seconds as they pass you heading out and another 2 seconds coming home. You dont know how many stops they have to make. Food store. Gas. Bank. Pay bills. Lunch. You can't say if they "just driving up and down"

We also do not know how many persons were infected in the mad scramble created by the lockdown announcement.

The only people we know of are the people who come to us waving a flag and in such poor condition that they are forced to go to the hospital. The lady today is a new case and immediately hospitalized. There could be many infected persons in the community simply under the radar hoping it's just a cold and cerese, onion and garlic will cure it.

The lockdown is not working....at least we have no evidence to say if it is or if it isn't

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 5 months ago

I disagree, lockdown is working.

Hoda 4 years, 5 months ago

Right, it seems like it is working. But you know everyone will not be happy. Despite seeming to want to continue with this story that people only going to the foodstore, the bank and to pay bills... "ok".... lockdown is neccessary.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

necessary and working are 2 different things. All I'm saying is we dont know the full scope of the problem because we can't know without testing. Are they doing the best with what they have? Absolutely

Dr Sands gave the perfect analogy. He said he loses about 30% of the persons he operates on but if he doesn't operate he might lose 90%. But in this case we dont even know the percentages. I had a friend who had severe fatigue and described as nothing they've ever felt before along with congestion and body aches, they'd gone to the doctor over and over again. The doctor said they just had a bad flu. They eventually resolved at home. Maybe it was just a bad flu, but after reading the story of the lady who had the same experience but ended up in hospital confirmed positive for covid after being tested, I wonder how many cases are being ignored.

Beaches242 4 years, 5 months ago

I totally agree, this type of lock down is not working, instead it's creating problems. Grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, gas stations should be allowed to keep their regular business hours and people should be allowed to shop for these essential items during the daily opening hours. The lock down in the Bahamas is creating panic and long lines hence the crowding when stores are open and spreading the virus.

TalRussell 4 years, 5 months ago

Comrade ThisIsOurs, our colony of 700 islands and cays are far from healthy which means we cannot risk returning to business as usual and living normal...which will require the rational curfew, shelter-at-home and partial business operational guidelines become a must to continue for the next 4 -12 weeks. Nod once for yeah, twice for no?

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

Nodding once for yes.

I'm only saying the analysis theyre using is flawed. They're claiming the lockdown is working with no real evidence that it is. Yes you will slow things down clearly, but this could go on indefinitely with one person getting sick during the lockdown, infecting someone they're locked down with. That newly infected person displays symptoms during the next shutdown but has already infected a 3rd or 100th person at the bank or foodstore. The only real way to cut this is to know everyone who's infected.

They say they're starting at the prison. I wonder how many prisoners have already gone to the doctor complaining of flu symptoms.

TalRussell 4 years, 5 months ago

When even bother analysis stuff - best just pretend be respectful and do as I've gotten to doing when imperialists red regime talks in way they consider be normal, I listen to them likes I'd listen my then toddler gran's spokes in the third person.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

ah when grans talk about imaginary friends just smile and play along.

paulhummerman 4 years, 5 months ago

The lockdown is clearly working, since confirmed cases are not increasing exponentially, and there have been at least ten times more tests than cases. Most of the family islands are case-free, and if that holds for a couple more weeks, they can be gradually opened up (provided of course inter-island movement continues to be prohibited.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

Thats the erroneous underlying assumption youre making. You're assuming that the only people infected are the ones who announce themselves. It's like the police asking criminals to report if they robbed someone. The few with a nagging conscience might come forward (might). You don't know how many people are being infected. You only know how many people are becoming severely ill. The number of infections could have quadrupled. We just dont know because those people have mild symptoms. And everyone who gets infected is a chance to propagate the virus indefinitely. Thats the danger.

Now, can we make a statement that Dr Sands and his team are doing the best with what they have? Yes absolutely, commendable job. but we shouldn't misinterpret the data.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

You know what I found interesting about the story on the lady from Abaco who tested positive? She was a Cates or a Lowe. Her sister unfortunately died from covud related complications.

She said they'd given her breathing exercises. I'm asking, I dont know, could these breathing exercises be publicized so everyone is doing them as a part of a daily routine to strengthen lung function? If you're never infected... it was a good thing to do, but should you become infected you've been strengthening your lungs prior to. I have no idea if that makes sense or not, just a thought. I suppose going for a 30 minute walk is a breathing exercise...

ohdrap4 4 years, 5 months ago

Look it up on google. The exercises are for other conditions but the woman who wrote harry potter said it worked for her.

xtreme2x 4 years, 5 months ago

ovid-19 Virus Conspiracy

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