Shopping restrictions eased for certain key businesses


Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks on Sunday afternoon.


Tribune Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has relaxed restrictions for certain businesses, revealing several entities will be allowed to reopen in the capital under certain guidelines.

Meanwhile, the 24-hour curfew resumes today with another lockdown scheduled to begin on Friday at 9pm.

While the prime minister said he was “alarmed” at the number of people on the street during the 24-hour curfew this past week, he made the decision to reopen additional New Providence businesses as of today.

These include auto parts stores that will be allowed to operate on Tuesdays from 8am to 5pm; hardware and home stores will be allowed to operate on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8am to 8pm and plant nurseries will be allowed to operate on Mondays and Thursdays, 6am to noon.

Landscaping and property maintenance will now fall under essential businesses and will be allowed to operate during the 24-hour curfew, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

He said the government has decided to continue the shopping schedule that was implemented last week, meaning the general public may shop from 6am-7pm, Monday to Friday. The first two hours should be reserved for the elderly and disabled, he said, while essential workers will have a designated day on Saturday from 6am-6pm. However, people in these two categories can shop on any day or time, he said.

Despite allowing more businesses to open during the curfew, Dr Minnis said this is not the time to wander aimlessly on the streets, adding every person is now required to carry a government issued ID. The Royal Bahamas Police Force will also strictly enforce the emergency powers orders that continue to be in effect, he said, and anyone found without a valid reason for being outside of their homes will be fined.

He said employers must provide workers who are serving the public with masks and appropriate protective equipment. If not, the employer could face a fine. Store owners may also be fined for allowing customers inside their business without a mask or protective face covering, he added.

Concerning the Family Islands without confirmed cases, the government has not yet made a decision on when tough restrictions will be lifted.

However, to support the gradual and safe re-opening of the economy, Dr Minnis said construction will be allowed to resume on these islands. Where work resumes, he said every worker is required to wear a mask.

Also on Family Islands, hardware, lumber, plumbing and electrical stores that cater to construction will be allowed to open Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm.

Asked by The Tribune to explain the rationale for the relaxed measures, Dr Minnis said: “You would note that we have introduced mandatory ID and the police will be very vigilant. Only those individuals who can show proof for evidence that they are going to work or have a reason to be on the street would be allowed.”

The restrictions were relaxed against the backdrop that officials have not seen the number of projected COVID-19 cases that were previously estimated. Currently the Bahamas has seen 60 cases; health officials had approximated that by the Easter holiday there would have been around 90. Still, the prime minister said that the nation had to continue with strict measures to ensure there is not a huge increase in cases.

“Outside of that those other individuals will be prosecuted, so we will be very very strict. For us to advance we will need Bahamians cooperation.”

Dr Minnis explained that every member of the public must show identification when entering any of the newly opened businesses this week, saying police may stop them at any time.

Also when asked about lifting curfew in the out islands, he said: “You would note that we are releasing everything gradually and we do that because we are advised by the health professionals as to the progression forward. We want to ensure that no cases are being introduced and no cases are being discovered and therefore we are being very vigilant and gradually opening up the family islands with caution.”

Government is also enforcing fines for businesses who do not provide employees with facial masks or allow unmasked customers in their stores.

“Employers must provide their employees who are serving the general public with masks and appropriate protective equipment and measures. If not, the employer could face a fine. Let me repeat: Employers will face fines if their employees serving the public are not wearing a mask.

“Store owners may also be fined for allowing customers to enter their establishments without a protective face covering. If you do not have a mask, use a scarf, a t-shirt, or cotton cloth that covers the nose and mouth,” he said.


TalRussell 4 years, 10 months ago

How constitutional Comrade AG Carl Wilshire has so adviced? Why do you two even bother hold House sessions when from one day to another is an authority to your two selves?
Very much PopoulacesOrdinary has so noted that the First Two among equals are at it again and question on what constitutional page gave such authority in blink eye have introduced mandatory must carry personal ID under which the Royal Constabulary will be very vigilant. to lock up disobeying persons. Liquor has more Freedom movement than PopoulacesOrdinary.
Has Queen's loyal opposition been placed under closed shop order, too? Nod once for yeah, twice for no?

DDK 4 years, 10 months ago

Release us from bondage oh Masa and prevent us from remaining a new millennium police state😫

TalRussell 4 years, 10 months ago

Remember Ma Comrade DDK, wasn't white Europeans who crisscrossed Africa capture the natives?

DDK 4 years, 10 months ago

Hilarious that this former practicing doctor expects the elderly and disabled to be up and shopping at the crack of dawn. What do Minnis and co. do? Toss daily ideas in a grab bag and then play pick one or two?

TalRussell 4 years, 10 months ago

Remember the criticism leveled at Health Minister Dr. Duane for voluntarily performing Heart surgeries while serving in the cabinet? Ireland's First among equals recently returned parttime work one day week at his Family Medical practice.

ohdrap4 4 years, 10 months ago

Only seniors in my household.
We go out during daytime. The circumstances require that a number of tasks are completed in the morning and we cannot drop those to get to the food store in darkness.

DDK 4 years, 10 months ago

Don't think the Europeans did the actual capturing, Comrade. There is usually more than one side to most history, but it would appear we have come full circle in that we are once again enslaved as a people...

TalRussell 4 years, 10 months ago

My bad. Meant say it wasn't the white Europeans doing the capturing.

tom1912 4 years, 10 months ago

Yes mostly the tribe chiefs selling their own people and of course the Arabs

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