Mitchell's personal agenda does us no good

EDITOR, The Tribune

Today, I am once again left confused as to whether the opposition wants The Bahamas to win this fight against COVID or are they hell bent on playing politics with this matter? Prime Minister, Most Honourable, Dr Hubert Minnis, who in the execution of his duties, continues to address the nation by updating us as to how we are faring with this virus as a country. On countless opportunities, the Prime Minister has called on the PLP opposition to show unity during this process as the unwanted global pandemic continues to threaten more jobs, crush our economy and, most importantly, to put more Bahamian lives at risk.

As a young man, I don’t get it. What I don’t get is, why would the PLP chairman, who is also my parliamentary colleague in the senate, Senator Hon. Fred Mitchell, continue to go down this road of being divisive, cold-hearted and naive by telling Bahamians last week that the “FNM is going to kill us before the virus does.” This comment, approached behaviour during a Global Pandemic, is unbecoming of someone who hails himself as a senior politician and know it all. In a time where our fellow Bahamians are looking to its leaders, whether in the halls of the houses of parliament, churches or in the civic, community to lead by example, put down our agendas and instead work together on One agenda by hoisting the nation’s sails and guiding us through these rough seas through uncharted waters of uncertainty.

Mistakes will be made. This is a given, especially when you are dealing with something we, or may I dare say, the world has never dealt with before. But what is also a known fact is when we work together, we can become successful as a unified country by defeating this virus.

Instead, Senator Mitchell, continues to slam his foot on the gas pedal, determined to zoom to getting to the finish line of playing politics during a pandemic even if it means Bahamians suffer through ignorance all because of his unwavering lust for power. Today, on the grounds of righteousness and common sense, I come to slap up Senator Mitchell and remind him to cease and desist his personal agenda, immediately.

The Bahamas, especially young people, are not supporting this kind of behaviour. We are dealing with a real storm out there that is affecting the health of our people. We are dealing with a storm that is affecting future jobs for our people. We are dealing with a storm that affects the way we traditionally do things as a people. We are dealing with a storm that affects the livelihood of fishermen, farmers, garbage men, our military, bankers, etc. We are dealing with a storm that has now caused Junkanoo leaders to come together and cancel Junkanoo, just to keep their members and public, SAFE! We are dealing with a storm that is putting a beating on our economy, which is leaving Bahamians who already are barely holding onto their jobs, hoping not to be another one on the unemployment lines, but yet, all that Senator Mitchell cares about, feeds off, lives for and thrives off, is playing politics when we are dealing with Real Life Issues!

What bothers me as a young man is that every time those dashboards come out, I see women are the ones being greatly affected by this virus. This is troubling because when our women are affected, the children are possibly next. We must find ways to reverse this trend. I cry shame on you, Senator Mitchell. I cry shame on you for playing politics during a time like this. I cry shame on your colleagues for not distancing themselves from your reckless comments. I cry shame on the PLP for not throwing a tape on your mouth and telling you to be quiet; but I understand why they won’t do so. They will not do so, because this type of behaviour is the PLP way.

To my fellow Bahamians, we have now entered the second wave of this virus. The Captain of the ship is Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr Hubert Minnis. He has taken on an unseeable unforeseen burden that no leader or country saw coming. He is steering the ship through choppy and uncharted waters and so far, he has done a great job. He will need OUR prayers as a nation, asking God to keep him strong, healthy and focused in times like these – especially from those who will throw a rock at him just so he and we, can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. He needs our support, my fellow Bahamians.

I end with the word from Psalm 23:4 and encourage Bahamians that if we work together and condemn those who try to sneak their seeds of wickedness to divide us in a time like this, then we will see the light through this dark and difficult journey.

May God continue to bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.



August 4, 2020.


birdiestrachan 4 years, 6 months ago

The Captain of your ship is headed for a ship wreck. Never mind what Mr: Mitchel said which is correct read the business section of the Tribune read what Mr. Robert Myers and the Retail Association writes.

The ship is going down. Slap up and the young. is not accepted at the bank or the food store

The PM lacks wisdom and understanding. Perhaps you and him have the same lacks.

UserOne 4 years, 6 months ago

Excellent points. The PLP would be seen in a better light if they came together with the government at this time to deal with this pandemic rather than trying to undermine them every step of the way. Also true that young people are not interested in the political divide as previous generations were. They are educated enough to critically examine the behaviour and rhetoric of politicians and see through the smokescreens.

tetelestai 4 years, 6 months ago

Generally, I would agree with you, UserOne. But, Minnis and his team have been so inept that it would be a dereliction of their duties if the opposition "came together" with the seemingly arbitrary policies, procedures and decrees of the government. And, it is not political to criticize, even if done by opposition. The government has not handled this well, if one is to be objective.

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