Police team giving out water and masks

Police Commissioner Paul Rolle and a team of officers giving out water and masks on Thursday. Photo: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune staff

Police Commissioner Paul Rolle and a team of officers giving out water and masks on Thursday. Photo: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle and a team of officers gave out water and masks to Windsor Lane residents yesterday.

However some community members said more could be done.

“...Wear your PPEs, wear masks and practice social distancing. That’s the message that we wanted to do here this morning,” Commissioner Rolle said during the exercise.

“We came into this community and it’s hot as you can see and we kind of give them a little water to wet your throat and to kind of keep you going.”

Area resident 37-year-old Sheion Lopez said she needs more help to get by.

“I’m a security officer at Columbus Primary but only so much I could do and I just started working and only so much I get pay. You understand me and I have to deal with my children too and my mummy old she soon resign and she ain’t getting nothing because the bank and stuff taking out her money. She don’t even see a dollar out of her cheque (sic),” she explained.

According to resident Deanglo Greene, 30, about 80 percent residents in the area are out of work.

“Look through the corner ain’t nobody going to work,” he pointed out.

Jamaine Henfield, 35, was thankful for the PPE, but said people need more assistance.

“They just giving out masks and water - that’s a start. I’m thankful for it… but they could do more. We ain’t even sure if they coming back here or not. They only been through one corner like what’s the deal? What’s next to come?” he asked.

“We barely making it through here. We just hope they could do, we hope the government could do more.”


ohdrap4 4 years, 1 month ago

Ration that water. The bain town mp says he expects a total 7 day lockdown after the storm and told constituents to stock food and medicine.

joeblow 4 years, 1 month ago

I wish they had vouchers for BPL!!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 1 month ago

kill them, punch them, detain them unreasonably on the one hand then tell them how much you love them. Worked in Stockholm

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