14 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths

The Ministry of Health reported on Monday that there are 14 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Two men, a 50-year-old from the Berry Islands and a 56-year-old of New Providence, died overnight.

Twelve of the new cases are in New Providence, one is in Grand Bahama and the details of the other case are pending.

The total number of cases now stands at 1,798 with 1,113 of those active.

There have been 46 deaths.

Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, said on Monday that the increase in the number of deaths includes those currently under investigation.

Health officials are reminding the public to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wear a face mask when you leave home;

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;

• Cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards.


ISpeakFacts 4 years, 1 month ago

We had 34 deaths on Saturday, according to the crayon eating Ministry of Health, we had 2 deaths on Sunday and another 2 deaths on Monday... 38 deaths total, so where did the other THIRTEEN deaths come from???

thps 4 years, 1 month ago

Bad data has it all mix up like conch salad.

ohdrap4 4 years, 1 month ago

How much do these social media troll assignments pay?

Can you guys recommend me?

Lwells91 4 years, 1 month ago

So after needing approval all of a sudden to post these numbers....they come with the lowest amount of confirmed cases from the start....all I saying is what a strange coincidence

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

This is just disgusting how can you attribute deaths to a disease before you know for certain if it is the cause. This Is called data laundering - basically you steal deaths from other causes To to justify policy. Gives Minnis a political cushion to do what he wants down the road. Similarly they have adjusted data by new definitions of recovery and oops-a-daisy also have been double counting cases. So actually perfectly safe to open (nothing to do with protests in the streets, a third of the country is unable to feed itself and business left and right are facing financial ruin) This whole Country needs to sue Minnis and ministry health for this incredible saga of botched policy making... Minnis Must resign now. Let the economists have a go...

tribanon 4 years, 1 month ago

Practical and disciplined people, with solid management, communication and leadership skills, including very good business instincts and lots of common sense, are much more preferable to economists any day.

thephoenix562 4 years, 1 month ago

The economists would literally kill this country.

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

Well the ‘health professionals‘ have all but killed The Bahamas at least the economist might be able to count...

BONEFISH 4 years, 1 month ago

The recommendations for the lockdowns came from medical professionals and not from economists.

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

On the day that WHO advised against lockdowns as effective remedy to community transmission... given the economic and social repercussions...

HarryWyckoff 4 years, 1 month ago


WHO denounced COUNTRYWIDE lockdowns

The Bahamas has never, not even for one single day, been in countrywide lockdown.

The Government have done from day one what every other country is now actually doing, and exactly what the WHO recommends in the statement you are deliberately misquoting:

LOCALISED lockdowns

I.E. locking down ONLY the areas with outbreaks.

In the case of The Bahamas, this is an island of idiots who won't heed safely protocols (New Providence), another island of idiots who won't heed safely protocols (Grand Bahama), and a very small number of other islands of idiots who won't heed safely protocols.

Exactly as the WHO advises.

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

Please read more idiot! No national lockdowns!? Please let the us embassy know to update their website!?


HarryWyckoff 4 years, 1 month ago

Not making sense there.

The Bahamas was never under a national lockdown.

If you think it has been, I've found a bunch of proof on Facebook, Whatsapp and YouTube that prove the world is flat and Bill Gates hides under it and eats babies.

So yeah, you're an idiot.

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

Lol...The world is flat! Lol. Harry but seriously you're not doing yourself any favors. The country went into national lockdown on Aug 4th at 10pm - a 24 hour curfew for all islands of the Bahamas - the bill was actually called the Emergency Powers (Covid 19 Pandemic) (Lockdown) Order, 2020. It applied to the entire nation and as such was a 'national lockdown' - not a regional one and was therefore not in line with WHO recommendations. Were you a sleep at the time? Maybe your definition of national lockdown is different, but I think pretty much everyone in the country would agree if you have 24 hour curfew on every island, with no inter-island travel, quarantine of incoming visitors you've effectively 'nationally locked down'.

HarryWyckoff 4 years, 1 month ago

Construction work can also continue. (not really locked down then)

Funerals are permitted at the graveside only, with a maximum number of five people not including the officiant and workers. (not really locked down then)

Weddings are permitted with a maximum number of five people, not including the officiant. (not really locked down then)

Exercise is permitted in an individual's immediate neighborhood between 0600-0900. (not really locked down then)

International commercial flights may enter the Bahamas, (not really locked down then)

Just sayin'

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

Nothing regional about what mentioned here? Your point was?

whogothere 4 years, 1 month ago

Nothing regional about what mentioned here? Your point was? Rest of society lockdown by definition. There’s thing called Wikipedia it’s not great but helps...your welcome ;)


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