Remembering Neville Smith

EDITOR, The Tribune

The passing of the Hon Justice Neville Smith adds to the rich tapestry of the invaluable contributions that Barbadians have made and continue to make to the development of the Bahamas in various professional capacities, such as teaching, nursing, law-enforcement, engineering, law and medicine.

Mr Justice Smith’s legacy was in the field of Law, having been an Attorney and a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of The Bahamas.

I remember him as a faithful member of Christ Church Cathedral, where he was a dedicated servant of the Lord as a Catechist, Lay-Reader and Chalice Bearer. Always respectful, courtly and pleasant, he demonstrated old world charms of humility, Christian love and charity, unlike so many of his confreres.

Mr Smith did his native land proud. He represented his fellow Bajans well. They had no reason to be ashamed of him. It was once remarked to me by his compatriot, Fred Phillips, that Neville Smith was the most pre-eminent Barbadian of his time in the Bahamas.

My sincere condolences are extended to his two children, grandchildren and other relatives.

I conclude with a few words of Shakespeare on “the seven Ages of Man” in the play, “As you like it”.

“And then the justice,

In fair round belly,

With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws, and modern instances,

And so he plays his part

Thus ends the eventful history.”

Rest eternal grant unto him O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.



August 25, 2020.


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