Rules are not working

EDITOR, The Tribune.

We have spent the winter months in The Bahamas for several years since my wife and myself retired. Every year we look forward to coming back and escaping our harsh winter here on Long Island east of New York city. A short trip by air and we are in warm Bahamas. However this year it is looking more doubtful due to your Government’s difficult rules.

I was very surprised to read in your edition today the comments from one of your doctors of fears about the arrival of visitors.

None of your medical professionals need to worry. The entry rules are so harsh that few of us,even those most interested in coming like ourselves, can fulfill them.

Where the people will come from to fill the hotels and other accommodation should be the Government’s main concern.

Surely for the economy and the jobs of local people a more positive attitude should be shown. If we are not well, we will not be coming.

The spike in virus cases after you opened in July was mostly the fault of Bahamians travelling to Florida and New York and not the few tourists who actually were able to comply with the rules.

Before visitors arrive they must have a COVID-19 PCR test. Here, this will cost us $250 each.

If our son and his wife bring their three children we are quoted $1,000.

Most people simply do not have the money for such tests on top of the airfare and accommodation just to come for a holiday.

With tourism the main part of your economy I do not see why such tests could not be done upon arrival at a lower cost.

We note that, although we always purchase travel health insurance before coming, you are now forcing us to purchase your own insurance as well to cover the COVID-19 situation. So if people test positive they are either sent back home on the next available flight or sent to special lodgings both covered by your insurance.

How any of us are expected to take the test, await the results, send them to Nassau for approval and be there at the Nassau airport within five days is unbelievable.

Our own travel agent has given up on sending people to The Bahamas.

They have no bookings at all for The Bahamas whereas last year it was the most popular of all Caribbean destinations.

Where is the proper balance between the need about health concerns and the urgent need for the Bahamian economy to recover?

It is not evident at the moment.

Ideas that when the main resorts reopen there will be a rush of tourists is a complete fantasy.

For those of us who have loyally come to The Bahamas we are very frustrated and disappointed with the intransigence of your Government in doing all in its power to shut down your most vital industry.


Bellport New York,

November 30, 2020.


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