Environmentally friendly oil drilling?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is sincerely to be hoped that, once he becomes Prime Minister, opposition leader Brave Davis will revisit his position on oil drilling in The Bahamas.

The notion of “environmentally-friendly oil drilling” is akin to “health-friendly heroin use”. It is an oxymoron and would be frankly comical if not uttered so frequently and with such serious possible consequences.

What makes the idea all the more perplexing is that, in these dying days of the fossil fuel industry, it is being advanced so persistently in a country that is already very wealthy without it and whose main problems relate to the bad distribution of that wealth (thanks to needlessly regressive economic and fiscal policies).

Anyone who thinks that the oil industry is a remedy for uneven wealth distribution needs to visit Nigeria.



November 30, 2020.


Porcupine 3 years, 10 months ago

Ptrecisely right Mr. Allen.

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