Chief Justice among speakers at CIArb webinar


Tribune Freeport Reporter


The CIArb Bahamas will be hosting a free Zoom webinar featuring a number of key speakers including Chief Justice Sir Brian Moree QC and Elsworth Johnson, Minister of Financial Services, Trade and Industry and Immigration.

The Future of (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution and The New Normal is theme of the webinar, which will take place on Saturday, December 5, from 10am through 12 noon.

Rengin Johnson, retired Magistrate of Grand Bahama, will be the moderator. ExCom Members and panel speakers include Mr Michael Diggiss, ExCom Chairman; Retired Justice Rubie Nottage, Caryl Lashley, Kenia Nottage, Theominique Nottage, and Charisse Brown.

Those interested in attending are asked to register in advance for the event meeting. https://us)2we.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZudOyrqjwoHdRxa0laoiT2QZOMICSa7osN

The Zoom ID 823 3534 7270; Passcode ADR.


tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

We've been hearing about ADR for more than a decade now. Problem is, we have too many corrupt lawyers for it to ever be viable in our country. As it is, we seem to be having a hard enough time these days just trying to keep our court system afloat with honest, competent, hard working, impartial and fair minded judges.

It's common knowledge the public's trust, faith and confidence in our legal system has never been lower than it is today. Many of us think most used car dealers and auto mechanics are more trustworthy than lawyers and many judges, and that's reflected in the fact that fewer and fewer of us are inclined to encourage our children or grandchildren to think about entering the legal profession in today's Bahamas.

JokeyJack 3 years, 9 months ago

Also the deafening silence from the Christian Council and the U.S. State Dept on the conditions at the prison, plays a big role in our justice system.

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