Probation sentence for growing marijuana


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 30-year-old man was placed on probation after he was caught cultivating a marijuana plant last month.

Anthony Lockhart appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes after he was accused of growing a marijuana plant on November 29. The prosecution said officers also found another quantity of Indian hemp when they searched Lockhart’s house that night.

He pleaded guilty to one count of cultivation of dangerous drugs and simple drug possession during his arraignment.

The prosecution said officers, acting on information around 8.46pm, went to a residence in Treasure Cove. Upon their arrival, they knocked on the door and informed Lockhart that his home would be searched for dangerous drugs and firearms. The court was told that when officers searched the accused’s bedroom, they found a one-foot-tall marijuana plant along with a clear ziploc bag containing a quantity of suspected marijuana.

Lockhart was subsequently cautioned and taken to the Drug Enforcement Unit. In an interview there, he acknowledged the bag of marijuana, but denied having knowledge of the plant.

During the hearing, Lockhart was represented by attorney Ian Cargill. He told the magistrate his client had the marijuana in his possession for his personal use and had no intentions of selling the drugs. He also said the accused had no previous convictions or pending matters.

As a result, Magistrate Forbes placed Lockhart on probation for 12 months on the agreement that he would be of good behaviour during that time. He warned him that if he didn’t, he would be sentenced to three months in prison.

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