BPC doesn’t care

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I note with extreme interest the anxiety of BPC to endanger the Bahamas while exploiting the people for their insatiable breed.

In their desperation, mercenaries have been commissioned to throw any rationale against the proverbial wall to give the impression that the project is above board or benefits The Bahamas.

But according to the local personalities used, it is patently clear that BPC could care less about the possible damage to the environment, that is why the recent oil spill in Grand Bahama, the well documented, catastrophic Exxon oil spill in Prince William Sound Alaska, 1989.

It is astonishing how BPC was chosen to ignore the cries and genuine concerns of the people, some made fun of their disrespect of Bahamians’ perceived ignorance and naivety, but are annoyed that we are not giving up.

We must exhaust every avenue to stop this disaster from happening.



December 9, 2020.


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